I understand, he discovered than the drivers than have the hide stats option no of us can see them, but if you has raced with one of these drivers you can see them.
Yeah, what I wanted to say is that lfs detects a driver who is not using the manual clutch, I know that it is slower than the automatic clutch but it´s more realistic illepall lol just for asking.... one option woulb be the flags lfsstats, but it´s for the end of the race.
Are there an addon to detect the use of the clutch?
If not, I would like that there was one, because it would be very attractive to race with all drivers who use the clutch and the race would be too competitive.:eclipsee_
No, the problem is: when I race with 6 or more players my cpu has pauses, but if I let them to run for 20 seconds to I run alone (when I don´t see them) the cpu runs very well, so the problem is when I´m very close the other players.
---------me----------------------others (track)
runs well
--------me, others---------------------- (track)
runs with pauses
In The Movies Pit section (LFS News) I can´t dowload any movie, the page that is loading to download the movie doesn´t open. its me or it´s my IE, what can i do?