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S3 licensed
I went and saw them Saturday and they're pretty awesome! A lot thinner than the last ones.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the info. I haven't actually called them yet, but that will help.

I personally like the chrome look rather than the glass back. The shiny back looks really cool, and the glass back just makes iPhone look kind of generic. just my opinion, I'm happy with the looks. And the features are pretty awesome. iPad processor same as the iPhone, and HD video capabilities! Seems like good value for $230.
New iPods- when are they in stores?
S3 licensed
Anybody know for sure when they're in Apple stores in the U.S.? I've heard a few conflicting dates. When I was there they said this week, then I chatted with a guy on Apple's website and he said it would be next week. Then online it said tomorrow. Also, make sure to leave a comment if you're excited about them!
S3 licensed
Ok, I didn't know that. The way he said it made it sound like it was oc'd too far from the factory. I've got enough power, the requirement for the card was '300w recommended', and I've got a 500w psu. I'll try sending it back, and if I have to pay postage it will be worth getting my money back because the postage can't be more than I payed for the card. :P Thanks for sticking with my problem and all your recommendations dadge. I really appreciate it.
S3 licensed
I'm pretty sure I've found the source of the problem. Apparently the card came overclocked right out of the box. I've read you have to get it under 680mhz for it to run right but I've got a problem. Look at the picture I've attached. CCC won't let you go under 725mhz. I'm currently looking around for an overclocking tool to try out and will post updates soon.

edit: ok, I found a program called rivatuner, turned it down to 680, turned agp down to 4x, and turned off fast write (which could've helped according to several sources I looked at). Nothing ended up helping it. I suspect because of the overclocking straight from the box, and that it worked fine for the first 2 weeks I had it then went crazy that ati fried my card because of the factory settings it came with. Is that a possibility?
Last edited by jrs_4500, . Reason : new info
S3 licensed
Here are the errors-

under the system, there are a few warnings for tcpip and one for dhcp.

under application there's a warning for ASP .NET 4.0.30319.0 and a warning for WinMgmt.
S3 licensed
It's not overheating, I opened it up and had a large fan blowing through it. When I gave it to my friend it was the whole desktop, and he had it over at his house. I don't think I mentioned this earlier, but it only shuts off on certain games. LFS, Halo Combat Evolved, and the old game 1nsane work fine. MW2, Grid and Combat Arms don't.
S3 licensed
I hope you haven't taken this wrong, you guys have been great actually. I was just commenting to draw other people's attention to the fact that the computer had been wiped, leaving a bad graphics card as the only possibility. I wasn't in any way blaming you. Here's the responses I've gotten from the ati/amd forum for a comparison (keep in mind it's the middle of the night here and i was a little tired when I posted that last one. :P )- ... =138066&enterthread=y

edit: didn't want to put 2 in a row, but do you think the period of time where I ran the card on only 250w of power and it needed 300w could've harmed it? I think the card ran fine for a week or 2 like that then just whacked out. That seems like a possibility to me because of the time frame but I don't know much about hardware.
Last edited by jrs_4500, .
S3 licensed
I did just what you said, and that process completely wiped the computer and I reinstalled windows. The first time I tried MW2 it shut off after 10 or less minutes of gameplay. I'm going crazy.... Any other ideas? Can I get money out of ati, because this is just ridiculous that they're producing this kind of crap? It's completely out of the question now that it's anything but the graphics card. I installed the newest drivers and everything. I'll try anything but sinking more money into this computer unless I can take the parts back out and put them into a real gaming computer whenever I build one.

edit: by the way, the last SEVERAL updates in ati catalyst have been for ati agp cards.... hmmm.....
Last edited by jrs_4500, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Amynue :Duke Nukem Forever is predicted for 2011 so it seems like we are going to have a nice race between LFS and DNF Can't wait for both. I spent many hours with Duke Nukem Time to Kill at PSX, great game. 10 years have passed and I still remember some parts of the maps like I would play it yesterday :hypnotize

Hmm... I never noticed Duke Nukem Forever was abbreviated like Did Not Finish... lol
S3 licensed
Thanks, I'll try that in the next few days and post any updates.
S3 licensed
I found a guide to finding your reg key and reinstalling xp, but I don't understand the first part of what you said. What do you mean download xp? Is the OS available for download somewhere, and if so will I need an external hard drive to hold it (I've got one if necessary)?
S3 licensed
If anyone's still reading this, here's an update. I sent it to my friend but he couldn't find the problem. He confirmed that windows was corrupted, so I'm looking around to find windows 7 cheap because I can't find my xp cd's anywhere. If that doesn't work I'll just build a new computer from the ground up.
S3 licensed
I sent it to a friend for this week and possibly another week or 2 to look at it. He's in college so he might not get to it this week. I asked him to try installing 10.2 or earlier drivers (read your recommendation after I sent it to him), then try whatever else he can think of. If nothing he does fixes it I'll send the card back. Thanks for all your help guys!
S3 licensed
That's true. Should I send it to ati or something?
S3 licensed
That's a bummer. It must be the graphics card. I just hope it hasn't messed anything else up. I'll sell it on Ebay and get a different one.
S3 licensed
Dragoncommando- do you mean corrupted software, or the hardware itself it defective? I would suspect ati's drivers because from what I've read they're somewhat notorious for this sort of thing.

One thing that could be important- I don't know why I didn't mention this before, but some less graphics intensive games seem to be fine with the computer. My little bro was playing combat arms and it ran well for about 30 minutes before anything happened. The other 2 I mentioned seem to have problems much quicker.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the replies guys. I don't think it's a virus, but it could be. I've got avg free and panda cloud installed and they haven't found anything serious on the computer.

The drivers crashed both before and after I installed drivers. It was only after I uninstalled all symantec software (supposed to be a problem with ati cards in some cases) and ran a symantec complete uninstaller (I don't remember the name of) that the games continued running and the screen shut off. I'll give it a full system scan with both just to make sure, thanks for the suggestion.

As far as heat, the highest temp I've seen was 62. Speedfan for some reason won't tell me the names of all the things it's monitering, so I have no idea which component that was. I'll try these ideas this week and post any updates.

Just remembered something else that may be important- in Google Chrome, when I scroll down it kind of seems jerky which it didn't before the new gfx card. Also, in Portal when you look around the walls look unusual like there's no antialiasing on their textures and as you look around you can see the edges... It's kind of hard to describe. I'll try and post a video on youtube sometime if it would help.
Last edited by jrs_4500, . Reason : Just remembered something and didn't want to double post
ati graphics card problem (bad drivers?)
S3 licensed
I've got a very unusual problem. First of all, I got an ati 3650 HD AGP graphics card for this computer because I wanted racedriver grid and modern warfare 2 to run on it. I got the ati2dvag.dll display driver stopped responding error every time I played grid after a while, although it didn't have any problems for the first week or so. After which, the computer would become completely unresponsive, or would turn down to EXTREMELY crummy resolution with huge icons and stuff and messed up colors (I assume the card turned off those times). I didn't own mw2 at the time. The first thing I did was to check the psu. The card needed 300w and was getting 250 so I guessed that was the problem and got a 500w psu, but that didn't help any. I tried all sorts of combinations of installing and uninstalling drivers but that didn't help. I uninstalled all symantec products. The device manager won't show anything, it's completely empty so I can't update everything I want to on the computer without spending $30 on some tool. Finally, at this point my bug is that every time I try to run mw2 or grid the screen for the computer will turn off but the game will still respond to controls. Even if I turn the moniter off and on again nothing happens. I haven't tried less graphics intensive games, but I can test them and tell you how they do if it would help. I'm kind of out of ideas.. This summer both my iPod touch and my computer broke, so I would very much appreciate your help.

Computer specs-

HP Pavilion a574n
only mods are ati 3650 HD AGP graphics card and a 500w power supply
3.4 ghz cpu
2 gigs of ram
Windows XP home edition 32 bit with SP3
S3 licensed
The point of this thread wasn't to complain about LFS progress. After all, we knew this kind of stuff was bound to happen considering the history of the game. The point was to create an actual timeline of events b/c I'd never seen one for LFS before. And to have fun watching you all duke it out. My opinion is that LFS is a good game that could be a great game if more work was done towards releasing new patches. Ok, you can continue the war now.
LFS progress timeline
S3 licensed
Don't look forwards too much to LFS .6a or S3 or w/e they're calling it these days. LFS progress is getting slower. I'm not going to quit playing LFS any time soon, I'm just saying don't look forwards too much for the next patch. Anyways, here's LFS' progress over the last 2 years.

December 21st, 2007- LFS patch Y released to the public

July 2nd, 2008- LFS patch .5Z released to the public

First 7 months- You can see there's a lot of progress in a relatively short amount of time. Watch things slow down from here.

December 11th, 2008- VW scirocco announced

December 15th, 2008- VW scirocco postponed indefinitely

"We know this will disappoint many of you who have waited a long time for the Scirocco, and we are sorry about that. We plan to fix the bugs and continue developing the Scirocco suspension and electronic control systems, to give you a good patch early in 2009."

August 21st, 2009 (not very early in 2009)- New tire physics announced

September 21st, 2009- New LFS track and S3 announced

October 28th, 2009- An LFS test patch, Z25, is released as a "new full version" of LFS (no new cars, tire physics, or tracks included)

November 25th, 2009- Another LFS test patch, Z28, is released as a ''New, full version'' of LFS just like Z25 .

Thursday January 7th, 2010 A.D. Still playing a version of LFS compatible with patch .5Z of July 2nd, 2008, meaning it's been essentially unchanged for about a year and a half. A year and a half full of new and wonderful reports of things that may never come to your computer. You know, this may turn out like Duke Nukem Forever. lol I'll be every bit as excited as you whenever S3 comes out, but until then I'll still be racing you in LFS .5Z

Can't wait to be proven wrong,

Your friend JRS_4500
S3 licensed
I don't like the idea of paying for every content update. That would be like i-racing... a rip off. Sticking with the original plan of paying for S1, S2 or S3 content is best. Hope S3 comes in time for Christmas! Whether I buy it or not is balanced by whether or not they change the payment system, what the new car is and if I like the new tires. Just my 2 cents.
S3 licensed
Great work guys! I hope this gets incorporated in LFS S3. Version w4h 1.1 works great. I am curious though why the original version didn't work. Here's the error window that popped up- ''This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.'' It gives this error when I run camlevel or configure_controller before or after insim is enabled.
Last edited by jrs_4500, .
Is LFS aging? A lot?
S3 licensed
Last edited by jrs_4500, .
Interesting idea
S3 licensed
I don't have a working patch, but if you had the right one for the ghost mod, you could replace one of the cmx files w/the vws from viewer .6a! If anyone can do that, please post screens. I'd be interested in seeing that. And tell me which patch the ghost mod works with.