i just don't really understand this becouse racing games are about driving okay this is fine open world? yes this is also fine but no one had idea to make open world simulation game? i don't understand this it will be so nice to drive with ffb wheel around city or others road like this i know we can also plug wheel in nfs or aven gta and drive around but this is aren't fun. nobody propably don't wanna make this becouse as we can see here developers need a lot of time to make real physics and this time propably also cost a lot money so we never seen sim game with open world
open world + real car behave = best racing game in the world
we have a lot racing games with open world but every single game is arcade this all games are about driving but yea we have nice maps but driving in this games is not so good like in lfs but im sure in lfs we never see open world but idea is very good becouse we don't have simulation game with open world
Community is not death. Yeah is dead on legal servers becouse one guy called repeat83 make illegal copy of master server and he gives S3 license for FREE to whole world he had so many users servers are full all time and thanks to repeat83 people think LFS is a game like free2play so everyone come to his illegal servers so don't say community is deatch becouse thats not true, You need to say thank you repeat83 you kill LFS
Hello some polish site are voting to best game ever so we had chance to advertise LFS a bit on this page so if game will be in high position more people will be know about it so please go here http://www.gry-online.pl/S013.asp?ID=101125 select Live For Speed and scroll down and find 'zagłosuj'
repeat83 please delete all accounts created after 19.12.2015 and stop ruining LFS anymore. You want to play with friends okay fine You can play but sharing this for whole world is not cool as i think this is only one game wat Yoy playing all time so why You ruin this game so hard. I know unclocker or something will come out when You delete all account after that date but on unlocker is harder to find servers and join becouse each time you need to enter ip port so most of then will moved to legal servers or older versions lfs to play S2 but nobody want to play old versions so they will need buy game or make unlocker
EDIT: I edited post becouse 16.02.2016 is 0.6M i forget about 0.6K sorry for mistake.
Yes this is that but try edit name and hide becouse people who don't know about this will propably also join to repeat83 illegal servers and yes facebook groups are advertised he's servers in description or they just give a link when new people join
Sadly he copy everything so you make account like here you have 2 unlock per week and registration is a bit harder for trolls becouse as i hear you need facebook account with credid card added (but im not sure about this) or vk account so it make some time when trolls make new account becouse when you get banned you really cant join again to server you need new accout or waiting for ban expire so they behave like normal people this is just copy of lfs.net with free S3 account and you can play like normal lfs you can even upload skins just everything like here he know about how much new people joing to these servers and he dont do anything with it and he writte in other topic to me "I think need often does update content and something else for getting interested. Without update game will die." so as we can se he have great time with it and all this happend becouse devs dont update game? repeat youre wrong becouse nobody want updating game only for cracked users and game is dying becouse you still hosting that and you dont even thik about closing that on whole facebook groups when someone new join others just spam with link to your site becouse is free and they dont even wanna listen me
Now they don't need to find way how to join s2 servers becouse repeat copy master server and anyone can join free there is more people on his illegal servers than legal servers but nobody don't wanna do with this something and repeat propably don't close this servers so 1 or maybe 2 mounths more and legal master server will be empty.. oh wait no is empty now becouse everyone are go to cracked servers just look
repeat please close this or don't allow new people to make account becouse no offence but You will kill LFS becouse at this time is more people on Your servers than on legal one... and on LFS groups new people come and ask how to join and kids just give link to Your site..
hello go to lfs options>controls then find Input when window is inactive turn it OFF becouse You propably have it turned on
I don't have idea but when Scaven make this option force fedback are change to very stiff when is turned on and when is turned off is almost normal but still feels weird compared to older lfs versions without this option.
Problem is not in demo but in pirate server sadly illegal servers had more active users than legal one thanks to repeat or whatever he is called (everyone i think know who copy master sever) i don't really know the point of limiting demo becouse demo has also more users than s1 s2 s3 becouse people with license are also on these sh*t illegal servers of someone will close this or this guy will host that illegal sever only for friends problem will be solved becouse everyone comes to that illegal servers 3 years ago that was okay becouse these servers was almost empty until s3 come out and everyone start posting on youtube vids about unlocking
I have all versions installed on my pc from z25 to 0.6Q and i don't have any problems also some of early versions was installed on XP but they still works fine when i change system to win 7
You asking about how to start hosting cracked S2 server on official LFS forum? Wow where You lost Your brain? Nobody help You here becouse You wanna play on pirate servers i know this becouse You asking about H version and H version have a lot of sh*tty 'mods' tweaks and other stupid stuff..
This happend becouse logitech DFGT G27 have something like soft stop when wheel is going to full lock and when wheel is around 880 degress force fedback is trying to slow down wleel becouse limiter can break when wheel hit full lock to fast same thing happend when You set to 720 degress in profiler in game will be around 710 degres becouse off this. This is protection becouse wheel can be damaged without this. Driving Force Pro dont have this protecion so You always have full 900 degress i dont know how G25 works but i think is behave same as G27. Sorry about bad english
Wrong forum.. Nobody here 'teach' you how to connect to cracked servers buy any game then you will easy enable to join any server and on these servers will be normal people.