As posted on the WCL website forum- all are welcome-No crashing on this one
Date Nov 23rd
Time 1900hrs GMT
Lic. required S2
Track Ky1 oval
Laps 10
Car - UFR
Server- World Crash League Rally- (server will be set as private- pass is below
19 racers available to race as the server has 19 slots- AA members invited as the CZE team and whom ever else or teams.
password for server is crash
I thought I would mix it up a little bit.. This a NON crash event. It will be 10laps. As many as we can fit in, in a hour. Open to anyone.. . Team championship is possible..
Normal race rules.
We would have mulitiple races for about a hour to make a series.
Its demo.. This is probably our ninth event like this. Always done in about a hour. The team concept makes it very interesting..Some of the teams have gotten very good at guarding there point scorer. Always good fun
Event: Crash 2 Win
Date : Tuesday Novemeber 20th Time: 1900 GMT
Track: Blackwood Rally
Server: World Crash League Rally2
Rules:- There are no rules.. Crashing, t1 killing, Waiting to crash all allowed except backwards racing ( server will kick on this)
This is a team event. There will be three members to a team. You will have to assign your team members with numbers. One person is number 1, one is number 2, and one is number 3.
This event has no rules the goal is to finish the race but only the number 2 car in your team counts. Resets will be enabled so know how to do them. There will be a race stewart at each race to tally the points because the points system cannot be adjusted.
Races will be 4 laps and then three series of races. Four teams will be able to race. I am hoping to get 8 teams. (hoping). After the four races the next four teams will run the four races.
Then the top two teams from each session will go head to head for a four team final.
If you are looking for team members please post and create a team. Please make your time and do not join in on the server unless you are on a team or a race offical.
Everyone can watch via LFS Remote if not in a race. Hopefully we can get some skins done for your 1,2,3 cars.
You may make your own skins but they must have 1,2,or 3 on the top, back, and both sides.
WCL Server 2 Password is Crash
Check out the website for sign up in Website forum
Event: Crash 2 Win ( test event open to all)
Date : Tuesday October 20th
Time: 6pm GMT
Track: Blackwood Rally
Rules:- There are no rules.. Crashing, t1 killing, Waiting to crash all allowed except backwards racing ( server will kick on this)
This is a team event. There will be three members to a team. You will have to assign your team members with numbers. One person is number 1, one is number 2, and one is number 3.
This event has no rules the goal is to finish the race but only the number 2 car in your team counts. Resets will be enabled so know how to do them. There will be a race stewart at each race to tally the points because the points system cannot be adjusted.
Races will be 4 laps and then three series of races. Four teams will be able to race. I am hoping to get 8 teams. (hoping). After the four races the next four teams will run the four races.
Then the top two teams from each session will go head to head for a four team final.
All teams will be given a time to race on this board with password. If you are looking for team members please post and create a team. Please make your time and do not join in on the server unless you are on a team or a race offical.
Everyone can watch via LFS Remote if not in a race. Hopefully we can get some skins done for your 1,2,3 cars.
You may make your own skins but they must have 1,2,or 3 on the top, back, and both sides.
Might not be it but I too recieved the same error. Found the reason was the database was full and no more data could be inputed. I cleared all the stats and users out of airio and it worked fine again.
Just thought I would announce a friendly team competition between the WCL and AA on BL2 starting on Sept 23rd and will be every thursday for three weeks hosted by AA. I know this event is closed off to only team members but I wanted to give a example of how teams and servers can co-exist making LFS fun without any backstabbing that sometimes happens.
I invite other teams and servers to continue to work together and continue to hold friendly fun competitions like this. It will continue the positive vibe in LFS and also create some great racing.
Something weird seems to be happening. Racers are reporting if they win the race or place in the top couple they get spectated during restart countdown or directly after they finish. I have not seen it but its coming from a few more racers now. Here is a log of a time it happened. Look at Joku123