as the topic says.. can a old PS2 wheel (broken one at that..) be used on my pc with LFS? it's a looooongshot, but i thought i'd ask if someone could guide me!
first i have to find out wtf is wrong with it.. (stopped working after a relative of mine abused it..) and then i guess i'd have to remove the ps2 connector, and try a usb one instead.. sounds unlikely that this is going to work though!
as i can't afford food right now, and i'm going crazy after trying LFS with a wheel instead of mouse, i thought i'd give the old wheelshit a little hope and faith!
sorry for bothering you guys.. i guess this thread was a complete waste of time!
i got much more consistent laptimes today.. well, at the end of the races anyway! and i'm a tired mofo today, so you'll have to ignore the first 3-4 laps of each replay!
if you're gonna watch my replays though, bear with me, cause i'm not a clean driver.. at least far from it at times!
edit: and fyi, i'm a mouser.. xD but i guess you can tell from the replays..
1st of all.. this has NOTHING to do with drifting!
2nd, i was racing alone, both online and offline..
3rd, as i said it was the same track, same car, same setup.. and it was with the BF1 i noticed this with, so it couldn't have been dirt tires.. or?
well, can using test patches to compare make a huge difference? not sure what version the server was running, but atleast it was U.. i'm running test 27 atm..
is there a difference between online and singleplayer physics?
as i noticed quite well last night, i had much less grip and couldn't get as fast times offline as i did online! and i felt that the difference was quite big..
it was the same track, same car, same setup, so i can't see anything else being different..
has anyone else experienced this, or is my mind playing tricks on me?
ehmm.. as i recall, this works with the demo.. it shouldn't though!
i really need a new version of the tweaker soon.. i'm bored out of my mind with the cars as they are now! that's why i spend my time making skins instead of driving..