First idk if this bug or no but the sunlight reflect on the car is been reflected although when there is object cover that sunlight ..
second note is not related by these patches its just good note i wish if it has been heard..
The concrete grip is so small, I tried to put another texture just to see the squares, so it would be much better if it was more bigger for more better resolution, I wish if the tires skids effect working up the concrete tools base too.
Simple idea, this will not effect much to drive LFS to the target where LFS devs and we want to arrive ..But it would be awesome if we can see that in s3 in addition.
AS we know, LFS is a rare game than other which for me was a best simulator experience ever, That why we all waiting for more, basically, why don't LFS devs supports to allow us custom tracks adding? we have been waited s3 for long time, and I think this is what drifters/racers are waiting for, I know LFS is a small team,
That why interesting game, So im just suggesting an idea could give every racer/drifter more awesome experience, Adding custom tracks with real collisions/3d real objects By USERS in somehow,so users can make their own track and put them in game, for example, Akagi Track, Laguna Seca racing track, and others,
would be game more live for longest time till s3 comes if it will happen, I think small idea will do much, is that possible? and if so,It Will be "The Dreams come true", If idea is something fail, could be Successful if LFS devs works out of it, so it become don't effect much in game.
-And About the Multiplayer system, LFS devs can add feature where i noticed in MTA SA, Which is the system allow the player download the track where the server you was going on, By giving any information of the server states of track, Like where the track could be found or site has already uploaded it supports direct download, Cuz we are talking about Track adding only, not anything else like cars or other effect, so That's could works without any big troubles, lfs will be popular x4