It seems that Insim doesn't send a packet at the 1st passage on the starting line of a hotlap (same for the 1st passage - at the start - during a race but less important).
How to detect the passage on the line to start the timer (for my Predict of Detect&Monitor) ? (if possible avoiding mci packet : info Node vs StartNode, because I stopped using them) - 20221008
[New] Wait for LFS.exe instead of crashing (be careful, D&M remains invisible while waiting, I'll see later to make it better)
[Improved] Fuel OK for all types of vehicles
[Fix] Some widgets update not applied (Track / Car, Fuel, Ahead, Behind, etc.)
@3rdGear, I'm looking for workarounds but as mentioned in the 1st post, Windows 7 is not supported.
@johneysvk, I think it never worked!? (insim obviously doesn't provide any start info for the 1st hotlap lap! (Not cool and complicated but I'll see what I can do)
@3rdGear, I don't know this dll specifically but I will have a look tonight!
@loopingz, I will see what I can do. D&M is now based on memory reading so normal to crash if it is not launched (I will look into adding a wait loop). - 20221005
[Improved] Redesign of the connection system to LFS (insim), not so good before (based on my first insim tests)
[Improved] No more use of mci packets (info from all players in game), use of memory data => faster and less consuming
[Improved] Fuel related calculations
[Improved] Predict info (display, values, stability...)
[Improved] Ahead / Next accuracy
[Improved] Dedicated update rate per info
[Improved] Position adjustment of the square representing our car in "radar" mode
[Removed] Outgauge usage
(you can overwrite only the exe if you already have the application)
And enjoy it because even if it doesn't look like it will happen soon, Scawen's news about his current modifications (multi-threading) means that I'll have a hard time finding all this information in memory again...
Hello !
Thanks Mandula. I can't reproduce but indeed, the right file has been loaded so as you say, it's rather a widget update problem (loopingz told me the same problem, I have to reproduce...).
For the other problem, if combo ok + fuel ko, probably an insim restart (error, disconnection, etc.).
I try to stabilize a bit more with each release, I hope it will be soon enough. - 20220913
[Fix] Engine damage and Clutch slip
[Fix] Some gauge sometimes disappear
[Fix] Ehead and Behind sometimes incorrectly reseted
[Improved] data recovery method (thread instead of insim triggering)
(you can overwrite only the exe if you already have the application)
As for the others:
1- [Edit Mode]
2- Click on the 1st info line (under the name), the value should change to red "XX"
3- Uncheck "Visible"
4- [Edit Mode] to exit the edit mode (+ save for this car if desired)
Yes, as mentioned in the "Memory reading news" post (here : https://www.lfs.net/forum/post/2014276#post2014276), memory reading is "version dependant" (but I will have a look because it should switch on outgauge normaly)
For your information:
1- I just realized that Clutch slip and Engine damage are wrong and give the values of the 1st car (yes, this is the developer's worry, to be all alone for his tests). I have just corrected and should make it available this weekend.
2- the recovery / display base was based on insim (normal). With the reading in memory, I am finalizing these actions in an independent thread (+ safe and + stable, less dependent on insim information arrivals)
I have edited my post because :
[Edit] you can unzip only the exe (if you already have the application: overwrite the previous exe file) !
and zip file updated with the missing all.car file. - 20220906
[Fix] Freezing of the displayed information when piting
[Fix] Front / rear tires sometimes reversed
[Improved] stability
[Improved] performances
[New] Evaluate gearbox max speed
And I saw the request several times so:
[Edit] you can unzip only the exe (if you already have the application: overwrite the previous exe file) !
Here is the new version of Detect&Monitor including 2 big evolutions.
The 1st one concerns the management of layouts (much better but still needs to be done). It is nevertheless the 1st addon - it seems to me - managing predictions and gaps between splits ! (I hope it works correctly because not the most tested evolution of the 2)
The 2nd evolution, more important and more complex, concerns the recovery of information directly in the memory of LFS, thanks to the LFS team for this agreement!
- Potentially more data available
- Faster and less consuming
- More complex coding implementation
- Data sometimes very hard or even impossible to find (depending on how Scawen has modeled it ;-D)
- With each new version of LFS (new executable), all memory addresses are modified and to be searched again (which cost Lazy's life I think)*
* Outgauge is thus no longer necessary on the versions for which I have identified all the memory addresses (only 0.7D for this new version below)
A connection to Outgauge will only be made for "unknown memory adresses” versions (Unlike Lazy, Detect&Monitor should continue to work but with some information not displayed e.g. engine damage) - 20220830
[Fix] Can be launched from another directory (regispicanco/sHiFt3R issue)
[Improved] stability
[Improved] performances
[Improved] Prediction on layout
[Improved] Ahead/Behind on layout (but bug when changing position, provided by insim only when splits/finish line is crossed)
[New] LFS Memory reading
[New] New info tracked (tyres, engine damage, clutch slip, etc.)
[Edit1: There seems to be a problem with the file on the Google Drive side so here it is directly here :] https://kingofice.go.yo.fr/Detect&Monitor.zip
[Edit2: Your antivirus can identify the file as dangerous since it reads in the memory of another application. One of our testers had the problem and it was sometimes the case with Lazy I think]
I think I have some great news but...
... you'll have to wait a little longer! (time to come back home from vacation and test on my "real" computer and then test a little with the team)
Courage for the wait, I think it's worth it
ok, thanks for your feedback.
I have indeed outgauge in a separate thread (and it seems to be the same on the LFS side - durng tests, I managed to freeze outgauge info coming from LFS by pushing the graphics to full in VR, LFS then logically prioritizes its other computations by not sending outgauge anymore).
I'll look into predict and fuel. I think that some problems are corrected in the "layout" version currently being tested (but other bugs may have appeared because predict and fuel in layout mode are quite complex).
Sorry for the long delay for this new version to come, because of the complexity of this last version and my current vacations.
Ok thanks for your feedback.
I will finish the 'layout' topic and look at these issues.
For the speed, it's the information from outgauge. I think it's the vehicle speed as nothing is specified in the doc (for wheel speed, Scawen would have indicated "average" or "max/min" of the wheels I think) but it should be easy to test in a sandbox or on the roof.
As long as LFS does not provide the information, no! I won't hack the LFS memory to retrieve info.
(but this is an opportunity to ask @Scawen for a "damage" package or some damage info in the existing packages)
Thanks for the log johneysvk, I will have a look.
For information, the "layout" version is in test in the team but the GUM enduro to come delays a little the release...