Grats to joku! Both of us didnt practised for the last round at all so we finished qualy somewhere in the middle of the pack. didn´t expected anything good this race but our strategy worked out really well and in the end we were little bit confused who should win so i decided it would be a good to see the champ in first! :P
The season was fun overall just the attendence was bad. what i really cant understand. i like the concept of the series!
Sorry to matiss for that hard overtake in first laps but you were lagging very hard in that state of race... You jumped like a kangaroo for me and were much more outside then you were in real. but that rusty revenge wasnt nice either.
Anywasys grats for Matiss and Joku in the champ. both were the fastest drivers. We will see us in final oval race.
Today we´re proud to present another german driver.
The 25 years old Markus Blohm who drove the GT World Series in our rows is a mostly unknown driver in international scene
even he were on Podium in the overallstandings of GenR´s GTi Trophy!
Markus who hails from Oldenburg / Germany is a addition for future races as he is improving his skills with every race he is driving.
So keep a eye on him. May you will eat his dust in future!
Markus will drive as CoReM.Blohm with #66 from now on!
No on a serious note it was just a rush desicion from them. their motivation were gone to the ground with those issus. i told them that they have the pace to get it back but finns are finns. hard to get them a smile in hard times.
So may we can do another one in future were we will be back with a bang!
Today we are proud to announce 2 fast´n´furious drivers in our rows. Both are wellknown racers in the LFS Community.
The first is our new hungarian mate László Kovács who is 27 years old and hails from Kapuvár in Hungary. László is a Economist who is interested in all motor and autosports. He will drive now as CoRe L. Kovács with the number 86!
The Second one is a well oiled german machine from Ingolstad / Bavaria (oh dear a second bavarian driver!) You may know him as paddi4 or even better as Patrick Schülter. The 22 years old is a aerodynamic engineer at AudiSport.
The motorsport enthusiast will drivewill drive as CoRe P.Schülter with #40 !
Remove - {Paddi4, Patrick Schülter, Germany} from 77
Remove - {laipnieks, Andrejs Laipnieks, Latvia} from 66
ADD - {Paddi4, Patrick Schülter, Germany} to 66
Well. until someone will pay for skinning in lfs you need to be a wellknown one. even then it is hard to get money for it.
But also your level of quality need to improve a lot. what you´ve done there isnt really good. ofc there are also worse ones but overall you should look through some garages of those -->
There is some high level of skinning in lfs. Then you compare to yours.
teamName: CoRe Racing
class: GT2
car: XRR
- {niceguy, Markus Blohm, Germany}
- {laipnieks, Andrejs Laipnieks, Latvia}
- {Yuusei, Joe Letteriello, USA}
- {kiste, Christian Kistner, Germany}
- {SWorks, Luis Barbosa, Portugal}