My father finally finished reincarnation from old silver Mercedes Benz W-124 (1,5M km) to the
Black MB 250DT W-124 with engine (OM 605.960) and gearbox from MB W 202 C 250. (171 hp / 5085 ; 291 Nm / 3658).
He did great work!
Here is my bloody face We had three hours to make a video edit (recording + making final video) in city, where was the Czech rolling championship. Im such a lummox.
You can have many accounts with different names, email but same credit card, IP.....
I dont want to do it again. iRacing, make some great offer for existing members pls!
I have won this wheel and I cant sell it.
Now Im on €64 and no interest.
Mounting on my DFGT should be good, but I dont want to spend much time to solve it.