Aaaahhh...that engine sound is terrible imo. and get rid of '' and maybe record on 0.5x speed for better FPS and then speed it up? Anyways good luck.
Let's say, you don't like XRG/XRT, take XRR, it's tuned!
Or FZ5, take FZR, it's tuned! Rear wing looking like in NFS, high and cool, same with FXO and FXR...
One time, we all lagged out, then when we got back on server, the timer on screen what usually is 15 in round start was about -70 and so on, and no one wasn't able to get into the race, counter on the screen just went into minus...
Uh oh, keyboard sucks big time, tomorrow luckily i can make the good time. And Dru or whoever is admin on that site, if you want I can change my name to K.Jarve instead of K.Järve, because the "ä" screws it up a bit...
I got bored also in demo times, when I played it about 4 months, then break for some time, then started to play again and so on. Till i got S2, I never get bored actually, there is so many combos to practice on...
c4Racing team have been existed very long time, even from demo times, 2 years ago or even more, and they race, LFSW might be different, and they haven't changed it.
I don't really know how to explain it maybe, but here I go...
The minimap on your screen on left or right, wherever it is, I thought maybe it would look a bit better if you can see splits and finish line on it also, maybe start/finish line is longer and different colour, and splits are a bit smaller and maybe blue or white, so people can see where splits are, there is more games what are showing splits on minimap, just a tought...