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S3 licensed
Novak, you angel, thank you.
S3 licensed
Wouldn't the insim automatically connect to LFSW? Seems a little sketchy to have to give a server (granted ANOTHER cruise server, but that's another argument that is best left alone) my insim info. Also, there wouldn't be any "NEW PHYSICS"; there's "new" graphics, but I'm not sure what will differ that mod from any of the other graphical mods out there.
S3 licensed
Here you are!
S3 licensed
Bump. Re-upload please.
S3 licensed
120 mb txt file Is this really a bug though?
Help! What cpu fan to buy?
S3 licensed
Along with a new video card, I'm going to get rid of my noisy, old cpu fan for a newer one. Except, I have no idea what to buy. I've got a Foxconn M61PMV Motherboard, and that's really all I know for how to buy it. Any help? It'd be best to spend 50 USD or less one one also.
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :4GB is probably sufficient. However, like FRZN-95 says, it's probably DDR2. If you want to upgrade your CPU, you're probably going to have to replace both your motherboard and RAM too.

A motherboard swap can be fairly daunting for a complete newbie. Look up some guides on how to do it if that's the path you want to take.

If your computer is a pre-built (e.g. Dell, et al.), this may be impossible.

Mines all custom, slowly upgrading parts over the years. But, I can run ArmA II fine. Or at least playable, if that would mean anything.
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Your CPU will be a huge bottleneck to that card. Even my C2D E8400, a far superior CPU to your Athlon X2, couldn't keep up with my GTX480.

For example, Deus Ex: HR never ran right until I upgraded my CPU to a Core i7 2600K (also included a motherboard and RAM upgrade).

How many gigs of RAM do you have? I've got 4. The motherboard is fairly new, so I really wouldn't want to upgrade that.

Edit: I just failed at editing that. Sorry for double post.
S3 licensed
How many gigs of RAM do you have? I've got 4. The motherboard is fairly new, so I really wouldn't want to upgrade that.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :You know what is better then?

* Turn off the computer
* Wank
* Eat good food and relax

Now tell me that this is not better than relaxing on a cruise server

I'm trying to think of something to say back to that, but you've got me.
Nvidia Gtx 560 TDU2?
S3 licensed
Well, my old 9600 GSO finally gave away. 6/10 capacitors blown on it, so I'm planning on getting a EVGA GTX 560 (SE maybe). I'm wondering with that combined with an AMD Athalon X2 Dual Core, would I be able to run TDU2? I got it a while back, and couldn't run it. Probably 3 fps, horrible. So, hopefully I'd be able to run it?
S3 licensed
It can be less stressful than racing. It can be nice to have a long streak of racing one day, then fall back to cruising where you can just stroll around or speed and pass other cars/objects and get chased.
S3 licensed
This thread makes me kind of depressed.

It points out how long it's been since the announcement of both the tire update and the VW. I was just thinking the other night how great it will be having a new car added to LFS. Then with the addition of the new tires, LFS is going to be having a few more years out of me then. I've been playing for about 6-7 years now, so just the alone thought of it makes me all happy inside.

But then, there's people with absolute no hope of it. Quoting that the game is dead, or the devs don't care. If you think, LFS is one of the greatest racing sims out there. That obviously takes some work. Work = caring. I've also noticed, it seems to be the more veteran racers who think like I do about it, and the newer/demo drivers that are pretty much quitting the game because there's not constant progress reports or new content being released.

I don't know, I guess I'm rambling on about something that's probably already been said, but to everyone who is whining and complaining about it, just wait. The next update will most likely bring the new car + tires, and I see it releasing around the remainder of this year, maybe very early next year. That's really not too long to wait.

Anyway, devs, keep up with the work. Don't mind the negative posts on the forums. Just keep what you guys are doing. <3
S3 licensed
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+ 2.30 Ghz 4 gigs RAM. Nvidia 9600 GSO
S3 licensed
Quote from Si Mclaren :The bump was just to you show your signature, wasn't?

No, it was because I want better fps.
S3 licensed
Bump because I would love to get better fps.
S3 licensed
(Bit of a bump, sorry.)

I'd like to see a sort of track-day kind of thing. On Aston Historic or WE or even rotating tracks. Where it's all cars. I like being a faster car passing slower cars, and even vice versa (Except in a regular racing situation. ).

I also like the idea of a certain race on a certain day of the week. +1 to that.
S3 licensed
Quote from 240sxdaniel89 :well use the filter ingame to turn off cruise your problem solved so you don't have to see cruise server's. give them a chance they may make it they may not so why the hate if they want to try something new then let them. lfs has become very boring same type of races one reason why i have become inactive. i dont care where lfs goes as it is already going down hill. 2 years ago lfs was fun now its same old crap just a different day.

I'd disagree. LFS is still, to this day, one of the most fun racing game/sim I've ever played; and I've been playing this for a good 6 years now.
S3 licensed

Six years, and I still want this.
S3 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :Psychonauts is an interesting and somewhat obscure game. I can't play it my self because it is only available on XBLA, and I couldn't be arsed to buy the PS2 version and and old ps2 just to play it.

Quote from DieKolkrabe :?!?!?!?!?!?!

It's on GOG and Steam as well (least in Europe), head to, search for Psychonauts, it is there for either $5 or $10

If I had the money, I'd get it. I'm mainly wanting to play non-browser, PC games that fraps can support.
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :tbh, their exactly the same as the others ive seen and well... Break the mold if you wanna suceed dude... following their means of getting " famous " will either break you're heart keyboard or wont work at all...

just my two pence...

Yeah, I know. That's another reason I came here; for criticism. I pretty much just started, so I have to find what works for me. But thanks for watching anyway.
Trying to get my Let's Plays out there.
S3 licensed
Hi, I'm Twig and I play stuff. I watch PewDiePie, Spike and Barley, and Cr1tikal; so I try to kinda get the same feel and humor out of it. I only have two videos and six subscribers, but I'm trying to get more. If you really like my videos (Or just mildly enjoy them ) feel free to give me some games to play. Some obscure games would be cool. Anyway, go check them out and maybe have a laugh or two; it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

(Also, this isn't a random spam message. I do actually play LFS a few hours everyday. )
S3 licensed
I'd love to go, but there is a little country barrier.
S3 licensed
I don't think there is a new Bespoke mod for the newest version of LFS. I could be wrong though...
S3 licensed
I have one nvidia Gforce 9600GSO It has two ports for monitor... For LFS (I don't play much or any NFS) I have it windowed and I stretch it along both monitors.