Hahahaha wow, i haven't bin on here since a month and this thread is still going wow..
If you are wondering why i haven't bin on its because my laptop is messing up with the graphics driver.. and its had alot of virus's...
Kind of gay.
Well it may not be slow for some other people but when i am funning lfs and CSR nothing else is.., like when i shift in the game i can't hear it shift in CSR but then a second later it shifts and then the blow off valves go and so does the turbo and then it backfires please help me.
Well i wanted to make a photo like this is i did, i think it looks nice please tell me what i need to improve on.
Please tell me what you think about it.
Well i am using the demo right now because i can't get back onto my S2 account right now, but i just wanted to know how to make a real good desgin for a XRT skin i wanted to make.
I havve paint shop pro, if there are any links to something that can show me how please post them.
Ok well i have just went into my lfs and it said i was a demo racer..., like WTF!.
And it says i should get one LFS unlock for this month, i haven't used it yet, can someone please help me on this!.
Well i made a skin, its a personal skin i made but i guess i wanted to release it to the public but i didn't take any in game shots...
so here it is
Not much but i did my best.
Well ok i have seen some threads where there is a McLaren and people were saying it is photoshopped, but they are WRONG!, i no i can't believe i am saying this because these people made different maps and cars for LFS..
Here is a link to the McLaren, http://www.rfactorcentral.com/ ... =McLaren%20F1%20Challenge
P.S. i might be wrong so please don't call me a dumb ass!.
Well ok i know LFS isn't modable!, but there is one thing, there was anyother thread and a guy showed a spinners icon when you click on the tyres but i think it is fake but if not tell me please!.
Well i am buying a steering wheel in a few days and i wanted to know is it hard to drift with steering wheel or not?, like i really want to know because thats one main reason i was going to buy it...
Well i just got a new play hack or what ever then the thing like logged me out of my lfs acount and now when i try to login it says logged in to many times this month and i only logged in 4 times because i had to redo my computer and then i got a virus and then i had to redo it again and then i just got the player hack and i am starting to think that logged me out.., please can someone help me!