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S2 licensed
Quote from morpha :Also check your PSU, LFS puts a lot of stress on your CPU and a low wattage PSU might not be able to power both CPU and GFX card under high load.
I had similar problems with a 350W PSU, P4 Northwood [email protected], R9800XT standard clock. It's working fine now with a 480W PSU

I replaced the PSU a year ago. I actually gave my old one to a fellow sim racer who needed a new power supply. He says it works fine in his machine.

I have a 400W PSU now and it drove the card fine for 6 months.

Thanks for the reply. The concensus is that the graphics card is not working.
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :For those that don't have WORD here is the screen of the problem.

Thank you Jason. I appreciate this very much.
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :sry but your gfx card is dead.

Guess I'll have to go out and get a new card. It's weird since every other game looks fine.
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Press Ctrl+S in game to get a screen shot. It is saved to the lfs/data/shots/ folder. This is a new feature since X patch release.

I was getting this sort of thing once, and it turned out to be overheating. Give your PC a clean and blow out the cobwebs. If you ar able to change PC parts yourself, even just try reset your graphics card in the motherboard in case the contacts are not contacting right. But, if your playing other reasonably GPU intensive games with no problems, then the overheating/dust/contacts might not be the problem.

I tend to agree normally, but in this case I don't think it's the card. GPL still looks great after 6 months of being away. And all other programs are behaving.

So I went back and loaded some older versions of LFS and they all look the same. Triangles of colored broken shards. I wonder if something is up with LFS and the way it loads or something. It's just cars and tracks. Menus look fine.
S2 licensed
Attached is a screenie of the menu with the car. The car looks like shards of colored glass...all triaangles and angles.

Sorry if this doesn't help I'll try and get an on track screenie.
S2 licensed
I loaded up S1 and it looks the same. So does S2 vL.05. Something is wrong with the way the game is running. I don't know what else to do. But if someone can tell me how to get a picture I'll post it so you can see what it looks like. Maybe then someone can figure out what happened since I used to run LFS 6 months ago.
S2 licensed
weird dude, I don't have any other GFX card problems and never have. I'll try downloading S2 again. Like I said I haven't tried it in 6 months. I thought maybe something had changed in that time.
S2 licensed
Sorry guys, but I tried updating the drivers and it didn't help. Any other ideas as to whats causing the graphics glitch? The cars and trax look like sharp shards of colored glass going off at all angles and directions. I can post a picture if you can tell me what to do.
LFS looks like shards of colored glass
S2 licensed
Guys, I've been away since Patch X. I loaded my LFS and all the setup screens look okay, but the cars and tracks look like colored shards of glass.

I'm not clear on what causes that. It seems like a video card problem. I have an Nvidia GT 6600. I haven't changed the drivers in over a year. I don't want to mess them up by mucking around unless I have to.

LFS used to run fine on my system. I'm looking for some ways of resolving the graphics problem.
S2 licensed
Hello LFS!!!!!!
It's great to be here in the LFS forum. It feels great to run LFS w/o it crashing on me. Having a new video card and downloading the latest version of LFS seems to have worked. NO MORE CTD.

I'm Leftyx and my player name is RevItUpMX-5 and my plate reads RevItUp. I hope to see you all out on the trax.

BTW since I haven't raced online in a long time maybe someone could direct me to the noob servers? Thank you.

Leftyx (Jordan)