1. Because the insim is bugged like hell, people can rent cars and can sell them at the car dealer, and then the have alot of cash.
2. We had to much members, you say only members in the server because, a player play 1 hour or 1 day and he is accepted in the team. 10+ members in the server without PLAYERS...
3. See 1, the insim is bugged, you lose your trip when someone rent a car, the bank-bonus is bugged, it says 35min and you withdraw cash from the bank the timer set it to 60min oke that's normal, but 1min later you get your bank-bonus..
4. Admins post on the forum that someone is ramming or is abusing.. ARE YOU FKING KIDDING ME.. Admins know what they need to do when someone is ramming or abusing.. Why they post first on the forum to wait on the answer from the owner jesus...
5. You stole the name from WKD Cruise server, you did only change 1 letter..
6. You have a FREE forum that lagg, you have alot of times time-out..
There is 1 day no players in the server and you cry and saying t hat you want close the server soon. BECAUSE THERE IS FKING 1 DAY NO PLAYERS..
And don't cry about that Frozen code alone, he did never ask for help or something so its bullshit.
Guys that read this 'Go play on WKD Cruise server its the best! Beaver08 for ever!'