I have found that even the open wheel cars can withstand some bumping as long as wheels don't touch. Next time you crash, try to figure out from the replay the real speed difference between the car and the object it collides with. A 30 km/h crash already does a lot of damage in real life while it seems like a walking pace in the game.
At the moment there's no way to check who is online. Smoke from other cars also isn't visible yet.
But yeah, damage isn't repairable except by one available reset per race in the lowest classes (rookie and D). Even though dozens of people seem to crave for repairs in the forums, it would be useless anyway since there's really no repairable damage even modeled. If and when damage will affect aerodynamics, repairs will be more important.
Yes. There is a minimum amount of racers required to make a race official. As long as the number of Australasians registered for a particular race is above that number, they will always race each other on the Sydney servers with low pings. With practice sessions you can always choose whether you join a US or AU server.
You will most likely have to wait a few months before it comes out. They have probably at least Road Atlanta, Miller Motorsport Park and Long Beach in the queue before Mosport, perhaps also Indianapolis.
That's pretty good timing for you, since John Henry said in a chat yesterday that they'd be setting up Australian servers in May. But as bbman said, definitely take advantage of the Radical trial to see whether you like the system or not.
I thought the system sounded okay, but then I guess I didn't expect it to be any more free than that. It seems one of the main concerns they wanted to address with the league system are the complaints about not being able to get to know any of the drivers better when you don't have a chance to race with the same group constantly.
The schedule doesn't actually go by the car you pick, but you can choose any car from the game and any of the official schedules for a season. At least that's how I understood it. Therefore you could have a Skippy league running the official short oval schedule of Late Models, for example.
I can hear most people fine with headphones, and I don't have the chat volume maxed out either. Have you got surround sound enabled in the sim without surround headphones? I guess something like that could screw up the volume balance.
There is no identical option in a real car. It's useful in sims if you use a wheel with limited turning range (such as 240 degrees) to enable full steering lock while stationary or at slow speed (to help leave the pit box, for example), while still allowing linear steering with a realistic steering ratio while racing at higher speeds.
The sound in iRacing is very helpful with braking. It may be different than in LFS, but just as useful once you get used to it.
Also, iRacing is completely playable and enjoyable with plain old potentiometer pedals, even without any modifications. That's what the vast majority of their users have, after all. I've seen only one or two people complain about the brake calibration system on the official forums.
A small clarification: the estimate should be checked while driving, after a couple of laps with normal race pace. It's based on your recent throttle usage.
Really? I was under the impression that CST pedals are 100 % pressure modulation, and it seems that lots of professional racers are very pleased with the feel they produce in iRacing. Granted, that's only one high-end manufacturer, but Fanatec will ship the first batch of their much more affordable load cell pedals at the end of this month.
"speaks of a fundamental lack of understanding on how sims work" doesn't make much sense, imho. Sims work the way the designers design them to work. The way LFS does things is not the only logical way, and with pressure sensitive load cell pedals like CST's the iRacing system is probably better.
I had a look at a dozen Orion racing team hotlap videos, and none of them were even close to what you describe. Have a discussion with the top guys, and I'm sure they'll tell you that it's not the way to go fast in iRacing.
I'm almost certain that they thought you referred to the problem with pedals losing their calibration settings and locking very easily until you have either re-calibrated them or pushed them to the bottom a couple of times on the track. It's an issue often brought up on the forums.
What you are describing, however, is a design decision, not a problem. As I see it, they chose to implement pedal calibration in a way that requires you to modulate something while braking as well as best rewards people with realistic, high-quality equipment (load cell brake pedals). Those with the more common, potentiometer-based pedals will have to modulate (mostly) distance instead of (mostly) pressure.
Of course how hard it is depends on the type of pedals you have. I find that even a small bit of progressive resistance in your pedals helps a lot. In any case, modulating at least something is rewarding, and, depending on how you choose to look at it, realistic too.
Unfortunately, smoke from remote drivers isn't implemented yet. The smoke will all be from your own tires.
You won't be the last, but as I said, it's not a mistake, and there is no real reason to change it. What really needs to change is the crappy quality of most pedals. Recently, load cell brake pedals are getting into the mainstream sim pedal market and progressive resistance is getting more common in the potentiometer-based ones.
You can shift before the green light in any car. You just can't shift to first (or make a false start) until the game has confirmed the drivers who will make the grid. At that point the starting lights are put on screen.
The concept "induced understeer" has been mentioned only once on the iRacing forums, and even in that case not as a viable technique but as a mistake a driver made.
Have you confirmed with the Orion guys that they are really using the technique or just basing your opinion on watching videos? Of the top guys I've only been watching Huttu's and McLean's replays (Team Redline), and I don't think they show even a hint of induced corner entry understeer.
Not yet really... I think Hudson Kerr mentioned that global hotlap charts or something similar would be implemented in the next big update after this season.
For now, it will probably be easiest to just look at Greger Huttu's career stats and the best laptimes for various combos. It seems he's done a 1:46.041 with the Solstice at Laguna, although it was almost certainly done with maximum fuel and with a longer third gear.
The word maintenance doesn't necessarily imply being scheduled or planned, and using the maintenance page is the planned action, not an afterthought, when maintenance is performed on their site. Other than that, you are correct. It broke.
IMO, that's not the case at all. As with all cars, it depends on your FOV and the track mostly. During the current week at Daytona the Impala will feel a lot slower due to the long straights and full-throttle corners coupled with the restricted engine, but at Lowe's it felt almost out-of-control fast at least to me. However, tintops tend to feel slower than open-cockpit cars, and the comparatively high seat position could have an effect, too.