First practice sesion is coming closer and i still can't see F1 Malaysia GP topic so i'll make one
Looks like weather is going to be rainy - that means our "maestro" Charlie Whiting will give us another procession and not a race as everyone would love to see (what the hell happened - It used to be most thrilling and dangerous moto sport in the world :shrug. I only hope they will not cancel race after 20 laps and Qualyfiyng will go smooth.
So what are Yours predictions for this GP?
1. Who will win?
2. Who will take Pole?
3. How many laps we will see behind Safety Car?
4. Will we see the Red Flag?
5. First one to crash his car?
6. How many cars will finish the race?
1. I think, i hope Alonso time has come
Win - Alosno
2nd - Raikkonen
3rd - Massa
From what we have seen in Australia - Red Bull is fast but it's eating tyres - not as much as Mercedes - but Vettel was loosing his pace to Alonso.
And as long as i remember Massa was always good on this track so i think he will score some good points on this GP.
Raikkonen is fast and he has great car but i think on wet Alonso has better chances to win.
2. Pole - Alonso
3. Im betting on 19 laps behind Safety Car
4. I think we will see Red Flag at least once and there will be 30 min break in "racing".
5. First one to crash - Hamilton will ram into Webber on first corner
It's been a long time since our last progress report so we thought You may want some news on upcoming tyre update and S3 content, so here it is:
Scawen has been optimizing new tyre in game model so it can run on any PC. It's not easy since Scawen wants it to run even on stone age crap
Eric has been "working" on S3 content and was improving detil level on Rockingham. He don't want to tell too much now and he is not willing to share his job with us untill it's near to release.
Bla Bla Bla - it took me 10 min to do it - i have no idea why devs can't post their update FOR OVER A YEAR :arge:
Hi - welcome to LFS!
When You are assigning axes You don't push pedal or move steering wheel - first You have to choose (click on) function [1] and then click on axis name in right side of screen [2]
I've been testing with some sounds last time and i got pretty nice sound of F1 BMW - it's working on standard LFS sound engine - i mean there is no car sound mixer or any 3rd party programs to emulate that sound. I used LFS Recorder to get nice smooth camera and then i put video from LFS Recorder and audio together in Windows Media Player. It sound bad from cockpit view or when TC is enabled - and more than one car with that sound at the same time is disaster.
I just beat game on normal with barbarian (i know it's not great achivement, now i'm beating nightmare). When I saw one of his skill as he changes into giant japanese made of lava with white hairs i was like - Damn! What the fu** happened to You blizzard!
Their previous Diablos felt more european, WoW was the border after their games become more japanese.
Diablo is good game but could have been so much better if it was kept in old style.
PS: WoW and other their games can be japanese i don't care about them
I have made another slightly different enbpallete, and I highly recommend it.
Walls, posters and clouds are not so bright anymore with this one, and it looks better than old darker version.
When i played on my old PC i had very low fps with more than 5 cars but when i paused game and go to Shift+U mode i could fly around with much more cars and it was smooth.
So it dependns on what rig You have, in my case CPU was too slow.
Now i don't care
Yes. There is about three times less bloom than in standard version of enb (it is so bright because of color correction) also standard enb doesn't used enbpalette and effect (effect is also changed there is a HUGE diffrerence between them), there were other effects on, i disabled them so it's a little changed.
Here is darker version of palette. (its in rar cause I can't upload bmp file)
Why do You think so? We all know physics have to be polished to perfection and that is what takes a lot of time, later updates, content releases, bug fixes and small improvements should be fast like they used to be back in 2002-2005.
First of all it is a matter of taste .
I want to share with You my "old - new" Enb settings, i was tweaking them for last couple of dayes, and that's what i got.
My aim was to make it look sunny, without using too much Bloom effect which give "foggy" effect, i also wanted to give it a little blurness but not by using Deep Of Sh** effect or Motion Crap - They look ugly and unrealistic, i have found on EnbSeries site effect made for Oblivion and tuned it a little, i also get rid of color saturation effect in that "effect.txt" file, it had some potential to make shadows look better and deeper but darker spots looked very bad, and in few places it gave 16bit look.
If You don't like collors but want to use blur effect with Your own Enb settings simply unrar only "Effect.txt" to Your LFS folder and remember to change "UseEffect=0" to "UseEffect=1" in enbseries config file.
If You want MOAR blur open Effect.txt and search (Ctrl+F in notepad) for "Float Range" then change number to higher, example:
If You want to turn off blur effect simply delete Effect.txt or open enbseries config file and then set UseEffect to 0
I know in some posters are too bright but i couldn't do anything about it without changing the rest of look, it could be done by editing textures and making them a little darker.
Feel free to tweak it and edit enbpalette, if You have something "special" You can post Your job here.
And i have changed some options in my graphic card driver - improved antialiasing for foliage and edges, better texture quality filter (don't know proper names of that options because i have driver in Polish)
Remember to try it in different "weather types"
Some credits:
EnbSeries, EnbConvertor and Effect.txt were written and programmed by Boris Vorontsov
EnbSeries and Effect tweaked by Lol_Men (Wojciech Basiura)
EnbPalette created by Lol_Men (Wojciech Basiura)
-I have used Unrealistic Reflection Pack v0.3 by Kancel and changed car shine to 0.7 - link to thread with that reflection
I used them because high resolution reflection made by Lynce looks not so good in my opinion on that low poly models. Lynces reflections are great but those models ruins them.
-Landscapes and skies by Lynce - liknk to thread with some great work of his and of course those landscapes and skies
-And i have also used high resolution texture pack by Electrik Kar & unseen;sa=item;in=124 - link to those textures
Some Screenshots, 1 and 3 are in Cloudy Sunset, 4 and 6 are done in Clear Day
Why it is so pain in ass for You to let other enjoy game better on servers with ping and FPS minimum reqirements? It won't hurt players with slower PC it will just give opportunity to other players to play in a little bit more trustworthy environment.
Go ingame then change view to custom by pressing "V" key, then go to "Options" menu then choose "View" and here set "Rotate View" to 180 or -180, You can also turn on body and move Your camera to desired place.
I couldn't afford game for almost 4 years so i found job for vacation and earned money to buy it. Same with my PC, wheel and other stuff i didn't stole or borrowed it from free
I'm not developer, they don't pay me to think for them and create full projects, forum is place to post Your ideas and this is just adumbration/base of full system. Maybe You will get warned if You will keep lower than expected frame rate for longer peroid of time and after 2nd warn You will get kicked to boxes/spectator with request of fixing it or kicked out from server with same request. And when You join server You will be obligated to spectate for some time to measure Your FPS (i know at the beginning of race there is more stress to hardware so that measure will be quite useless at start) I have no idea how full system would work it is developers job to make it work perfect if they want to implement it.