bit off topic. was just watching survivors. Must be like 6 months now since everyone died (on the program) and an Alfa (YES an Alfa Romeo) actually started. How is that possible. How. And to make matters even more unrealistic it was an 08 reg. Ok so it was a MiTo. But still. An alfa starting after being left for that amount of time. That was a major plot hole. Now away from the sarcastic part. How the hell was the battery not completely dead.
Oh and on topic. Don't buy a pre 2000 Alfa. It will break.
saying that though my dad's car 55 reg got it in 06. Mileage is less than 15k but his journey too and from work involved a 70mph road. The first part of the journey is 30mph roads. And one stretch of 60. Then there is the 70mph road. When he gets off that there are more 30mph roads. So it is given chance to warm up on the slow bits and then stretches it legs on the 70mph bit. And while it was less than 1000 miles on the clock it wasn't driven roughly. It also had a good stretch when we went to lego land in 2006. So AFAIK the engine is pretty much perfect. (condition wise)
seems like the cmos got ****ed up when the psu died. with the new ocz psu it boots. First time. Just pulled the cmos battery for a min and it is good as new.
i know i was just messing with you. Only problem with Skoda is the doors ****ing hurt they are that heavy. My mate trapped her fingers in the door of her mum's Octavia and they swelled up so she couldn't write for about 2 days.
For example last week when the snow was really bad we had to get up a hill in my mum's little picanto (1.1 gutless thing) (which is right below me [sorry picanto :P]) the mondeo behind us couldn't get up but the little picanto some how did it.
still a 10k car. And before you say it. They aren't a kia dealer they are a Kia service centre who also sell some cars. They are mainly a fiat dealer and my parents both used to have clios where they got from there.