one filter over the whole picture, text layer gradient, a white layer with reduced transparency and a pattern font layer. not even anti aliasing. great.
Driver searches team
enough expierience.
certificated fluent flamer and got ballz to run people out of road. pm please.
dont care about the car / class, if you can atleast speak the english language a little and got a decent set.
just wanna have fun.
This ones for you Tomasz. We did it today in a spontaneous matter. Suddenly, deko was pacing me and the others joined the cue to follow me.. I am proud to drive Your car, leading everybody around. I already miss You my friend !
Thank you so much for this movie Maik Paluch !
Coming more soon..
I can't even understand someone who's in favor of this decision, because just as pointed out before why change a running system or fix something if it isn't broken (lets leave out the curb thing) ? I will fully have to root with Isaac here, when he says that it always was one of the hardest parts course / the hardest to get right.
Somehow, you always tend to lose just that tiny bit of time that makes the car following able to catch the draft. Plus, concerning the dirty air problem mentioned on the server yesterday, I've never seen anybody following bumper to bumper through there while not going full retard. Even if so, past events have proven that this corner wasn't creating massive problems that need to be fixed. Oh and please, dont come up with that boothy chicane argument now - things are a real different matter over there. Things could make or brake there in one lap, destroying a whole teams effort while also being inviting for a dive due to the long straight before and the natural ability to draft while also causing major suspension damage over time.
Tomek and myself tried to fiddle around a little bit last night with the latest configuration to give it a little stress test. While the nature of the now MIGHT provide the opportunity to take a dive down the inside, what follows makes it IMPOSSIBLE to actually make the move stick. The tight nature, the next corner in the other direction. Also, to get the right line through the new chicane, you got to turn in in the first left hander further than you might think, elseway it will compromize your exit. This, plus the right hand curb make it nearly impossible for two cars to get through there without atleast banging doorhandles.
Even IF two cars make it through there safely, you cannot pull out enough of a gap without squeezing the other car to run away with it. The other car has the chance to immediately draft back in front of you, which makes trying to get a move done there worthless.
In another scenario, if you try to follow a car through there somewhat close like you did before to catch the other one's draft, you are absoluted ****ed. Due to the tight nature of the chicane, the car in front will ALWAYS be able to step on it earlier and while this may be no big concern in restricted cars, the immediate and hard power delivery in gt1's make it impossible to catch the draft without the man upfront screwing around the exit - et voila, another passing opportunity gone. And trust me with that, we've tried it. It is the same problem F1 circuits have nowdays, slow corners, followed by long straights over and over. They have flappy wings to compensate, thank got we have not.
These are the reasons many, or lets say most of the better drivers think it would be a bad move to install this chicane, only with the arguments listed up this time actually supporting the opinion. And to be fair, anybody else who says different will surely know nothing about racing, especially at the front. That's why in my opinion only those who expierienced and fast enough should make those decisions in close contact with the admins. The arguments brought up by some here and on the server make me think the only races they have done on wheels were still in elementary with their best buddies on bicycles.
What kind of team are you looking for? Race. Age: 21
Country: Norway / Germany
Preferred Car/Track: GT1/GT2, i dont care. please dont bother me with any tbo/std/GT3 shit or sth. like that.
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: pretty much everything on FZR. guys who know be should know that im decent.
How Active Are You? nearly every day right now, though that could change in the upcoming future. ofc ill keep you informed bout that. some ppl will know me from the pubs round here. What Kind of Control do you use? g25 Time Zone: gmt +1 Misc: please dont come up with any b$ new or childish teams. wanna race with good, matured ppl who know how to drive and set up a car. anything else than that is wasted time for me. also, speaking english fluently and flawless is no problem for me.