Strange bug, I was driving on Fox Junkies and there was track change. In menu was written AS3 so I changed set, but then after restart I was the only one on FE3 (previous track) and after few corners I was spectated by server. I saved MPR, but there I am driving somewhere in the universe and the other drivers are driving on AS3.
Team Name: Conquest Racing Car Number: 14 Drivers:
M.Daszkiewicz [Gargus] POL
M.Lontkowski [LONT] POL
M.Makalowski [Makao] POL
A.Suszynski [BladePL] POL
Any working tracker there? I suppose that we (#14) are fighting for 8th position with EER and slower cars are blocking us, because they don't know that we are lapping them.