That is what all russians / russian speaking people think. Watch more russian channels (RTR Planjeta, etc) and get brainwashed more. The russian goverment knows the power of media resources - and uses that.
Is there someone who want to take over this project (not for free, lol)? I don't have too much time for it, also site visit number is very poor. Hosting is ending by middle of august, i think.
Don't you think that only cruising, cruising, cruising and cruising again, doesen't get annoying? When i first started to play on cruising servers, i really enjoyed just driving around without causing any problems, but then it became boring. So thats why people are trying to get in chase. And also, if all cruisers were driving normally without braking the law, then why we need cops? huh?
I think that divxwevplayer is imposible to add to lfsvideo, or if it is possible there is neede so much coding. If you see some videos - there's not crappy youtube quality - it is much better than youtube quality.
Hello there! At first i must say, that all skins are uploaded @ and have the same name. Before today all was normal, but now i am leaving pits and it says to me "Your car's skin was not found at" - that is on all cars and all skins. Checked my skins in - all seems to be normal.
squidhead thanks for that video - now found one bug - cuts long videos. Will try to fix this. And can you give me that file what you uploaded throught skype or host somewhere? I will try to upload it after fix. My skype: