It is known exploit. Default script has too big angle defined. Reducing MaximumDriftAngle should help. To 40 degrees maybe ?
Or are you asking how to delete just the points won by driving backwards from txt file? That is not possible, unless you know who the cheaters are . Then you could delete them manually from file... (but it's still tedious job to do, when lots of players).
This still doesn't work well if "looser" drives more that 2x more than "winner".
In LFSLapper this is solved in a way that speed influences on score more than angle (score = sum(angle*speed^2)). Cheating (turning car around) is (sort of) prevented by defining minimum speed to maintain, which is not so good, but it was the best solution I was able to found and it's easy to implement.
As I intend to rewrite LFSLapper, I am interested in better solution. However, since I am no a drifter nor I have any knowledge how RL scoring works, any suggestion is welcome .
I had some visitors today on my server (no driving aids allowed). It's surprising, how many people use helps. And when they disabled it, they weren't even able to change gears (and clutch isn't even well simulated ).
Uhm. I sense port mixup here. LFSLapper is not outgauge application (and it shouldn't make any difference whether you run it or not, as long you have separated ports for insim and outgauge). Which outgauge applications did you use ?
Pitspotter ? Isn't that an InSim application ? You don't need a outgaugegateway to combine insim and outgauge application... It is only for outgauge only applications.
OutgaugeGateway is a generic UDP packet forwarder and duplicator. All it does, is listen on one port (first argument in command line) and send the packets it receives to other ports (next arguments in command line). It doesn't send anything back to LFS (if it does, you configured ports incorrectly).
Is there any more outgauge applications i can test this on ? I don't have momo so momoleds probably won't work for me... will use a search button...
Hmm, I see you use lot of insim applications too, maybe one of them is using 30000 as listening port. Try changing lfs outgauge port to lets say 41234 ?
I specifed already used port and got same error and it writes in console when box is closed :
Unhandled Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Only one usage of each
socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
I think u have specified wrong ports (at least first one (gateway port) is obviously already taken by some app).
Try doing exactly this from command line:
OutGaugeGateway 54321 54322
Do you still get that message box, or do you get:
Gateway started...
in console window
Gateway port must be free (this is the one you specify in LFS outgauge)
- it is listening for OutGauge data from LFS
Notes: Need to make a usage tutorial and better error descriptions when I come home
I really don't know why file isn't created for some people while others don't have any problems with it. Files are created automatically when someone makes a time that is better than defined in script:
# Maximum allowed lap time to record it and execute action.
MaxLapTime = 2.00.00
Note that in default script right this option is overriden at end of file as an example...
# Instead of changing default options above, you can overide them.
MaxLapTime = 1.50.00
In other words, if you have such definition, file PB.txt should be created when someone makes his lap time better than 1:50:00.
Other thing that may (but probably doesn't) prevent file from being created is, that you dont' have writing access to defined file paths.
You can also specify your own path for result files:
Are you sure the right script is being run ? Maybe you modified one, and run the other one... Or maybe you forgot to delete that extra '/' in LFS's setup.cfg
Blanking works, but not for all messages. You need to make sure that you also change the value in line tx_langname. And don't change original file, just make a copy of original, and then modify it... When entering LFS, choose new language.
It seems like someone already done that (usernames) on LFSLapper. I hope I will get the source updates, so I can put them
in main branch...
Received quite a few other improvements from others, but I am again in that lazy state...
I guess it's possible to make a server side insim to kick players that use help (I've already done that some time ago, but I was having some problems - I think it's only possible to check aids while player is joining race, but not afterwards...). If anyone is interested, I can clap something together...
- kick on joining race with helps on done
(join Hardcore test server and try leaving pits )
Last edited by MonkOnHotTinRoof, .
Reason : update
It will be created automatically when someone makes time below time defined in cfg.
You are probably running LFS U patch. In this patch LFS does not output MCI packets on AutoX (these packets are needed for drift calculations).
If you update server with U20 patch, it should work on AutoX too...
To je zato, ker si pognal LFSLapper tačas ko si bil že na progi (program se zapomni ime, ko greš iz garaže). Pojdi v pitse in nazaj na stezo, pa se bo prikazalo pravo ime ob splitih...
Če si uporabil default skripto, pol imaš že skonfigurirano. Ustavi avto do speed = 0, in pol po gasu.
Verjetno je problem isti kot zgoraj...
Tisto opozorilo o fajlih ni pomembno, se pojavi samo prvič ko še ni nobenih podatkov...