seriously is this all you people do is sit on your asses and flame someone for using something ??? . isnt it best to ask " did you get permission ?? " instead of being and ass and saying bla bla bla not cool dude ....... nubs .....
Look at what you just said , before today you were demo you say Y doesnt have XRT , but now you are S2 why say that why not say well i skin the car but have old patch ??
ive been playing LFS for 3 years now , ive seen somethings but havent seen it all yet , im mostly " drifting " on s2 and some people in the drift part of the lfs world seem to take that seriously and competitvly. They think being the fastest is what its all about , even in racing . Racing is the sport of engaging in contests of speed , but some take it to a point where if you crash them you are a noob but if they crash you they think they did nothing wrong . Why do people act so ignorant ? Isnt LFS where people from different nationalitys come to together to play a game ? But oh well people who have nothing else to do but sit at there computers and bitch at people for small things will always remain the same
You are absolutely wrong, neon under-glow offers a kit that will give you 5-hp depending on the type of vehicle you install it on. Civics generally make 10 more hp due to their power being directly over the front wheels. That’s why all of those cars in the movies have mad neon because they are gangster-fast! We heard that pink gives the most horsepower (as sales of pink neon kits skyrocket).
What nub would say such a thing ...... why do people think neons give power ....
Hi res smoke
Different tire threads
Hi res tire logos
different lights for XRT
Hi res suits
Hi res gloves
sparco steering wheel
different lights for fz
different lights for FXO / RB4 / RAC / LX6 / XFG
new reflection mod
custom camera views
hi res smoke
wow nice , but rider wasnt flaming or spamming he was making a point , but hope your team goes great try not to have sooo many members a team is about being like a family not a bunch of random people just drifting to drift