if i compare it with the other results in the benchmark
your system should run much faster with LFS.
like the guy with the amd 1500+/gf5200 with a average of 62 frames
i would aspect your celeron 2000/ati 9000 close to this.
maybe a bit slower but not that much.
some settings are left they are not in the cfg.txt
these settings are in the card_cfg.txt
or in game -> options/grafics.
attached pic should show your settings,(not sure with the z-buffer)
the "hardware vertex shading" and "simple track" has a big performance influence.
play a little with it and look what happend.
last is the sound, disable it with shift-n in game
or better in windows device manager or bios if its a onboard sound.
did you run the benchmark in a new LFS install?
if so and the above settings didn`t help, it`s to 99,9 % not LFS where the probs comes from.
so then your pc and/or windows left as the guilty parts
thats a bigger task to find the fault,
first look, make sure AA and AF is disabled.
if all doesn`t help we need some more infos about you pc,
maybe you can attach a system-report?