Ok so here's how its going down.
LFS Formula D is a points series event stretched to about a 3-4 month span.
Below is the schedule of event dates that you MUST come to if you have made qualifying in the top 16.
Rules for this event are as follows:
-No eager/impatian behavior
-No purposely ramming people or you will be banned on spot and disqualified.
-Good clean drifting. ie: no showing off. show us what you can do on track instead

-For the sake of other people's bandwith/connection, remain in SPECTATE until your
number is up.
-If you correctly signed up with me, than you will know what number you have, please put *FD(your number here)* either in front or after your name after i have given you your number.
For example: I go into a server. *FDxx*[PDR] MrPDR has connected.
-Cars to be used are XRT or FZ5
-The rest should be common sense to all serious S2 drivers. Act like you have sense, be nice/respectful etc.
Qualifying will go like this:
First we will have each driver do 1 solo run, we will not provide your score for your solo
run; that will be your own personal evaluation.
After each driver has done a solo run, then we will begin the points count for the day,
your number will be called and you will do 2 tandem runs with the other driver we call out.
You leading first, The other driver leading next.
Points are calculated on a 5 point scale for each turn, measured by; angle, speed, and consistancy, which also means you MUST get the clipping points we have placed, those help us determine the actual score.
So a track with 3 turns has a max of 15 points u can get.
If you are following, you must FOLLOW, do good because you are the one with the most pressure on you as far as points go. How close you can stay will determine if you have more points than the driver in front of you.
This will not take a quick 10 minutes, as this is the longest part of the series.
We will place the drivers who made it in the Top 16 (The ones competing) in this thread.
After you have been eliminated, you may then take the series tag off of your name
NOW, the actual points series. It will be the same format as explained in qualifying, exept there are no solo runs, just head to head competetion.
The one thing that may be a big stress factor for every driver will be the midway point in the series. That is when we will Determine the Top 8, that will be the last elimination round of the series.
ROUND 4 is the elimination round for Top 8 choosing. BE AT YOUR BEST!!!
There will be 3 winners of each Round, and 3 winners of the entire series.
I will provide a signature image you can put on your sig to show you were #1#2#3 winner of LFS Formula D 2008.
I plan to have this done annualy so expect this every year around the same time =D
Here are the dates of each round and qualifying:
Qualifying @ Road Atlanta- JUNE 7th at 4:00pm
Round1 @ Long Beach,JUNE 21st at 4:00pm(15 point max)
Round2 @ Road Atlanta Braselton,JUNE 28th at 4:00pm(35 point max)
Round3 @ Englishtown Raceway Englishtown,JULY 5th at 4:00pm(15 point max)
Round4 @ Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas,JULY 12th at 4:00pm(20 point max)
Round5 @ Evergreen Speedway Monroe,JULY 19th at 4:00pm(15 point max)
Round6 @ Infineon Raceway Sonoma,JULY 26th at 4:00pm(10 point max)
Round7 @ Irwindale SPeedway Irwindale,AUGUST 2nd at 4:00pm(20 point max)
*note* all tracks we have made are replicas of the real ones*
Time zone is GMT -05:00 EASTERN TIME
Located in server: [PDR] Drifting, password will be supplied to the 32 drivers.
PM me if you want to enter this series
Car of choice (XRT or FZ5)
And again, I will give you a number that needs to be placed in your name(said earlier)
Sorry guys, we have no website right now, but are working on that asap!
This is going to be a wild ride folks! Bring your A game, cuz there is NO ROOM FOR ERROR