if u overclocked ur video card too mutch (if u overclocked at all) that is the reason why u see that crapy view, i know that because i overclocked myne's and that happend too
Nice, thx scawen , i like how looks new main menu we need to change all menus like that, and i am still asking you to let us translate interface menu
P.S. AF isnt working for me my video card is gf fx 5200, video drivers
i am a bit new at s2 stuff. i have received email from LFS and it tells that i have 0 unlocks left, wtf? if i will lock my s2 once more, i will not able to unlock it anymore or what? is it posible to get more unlocks?
maybe engine damage shown in line is good......... but clutch heat should be shown not only in little red line, but also it should show temperature in Celsius
install is good thing, and i want to suggest to make downloading easier for slow internet players like me, game is only 150 mb but my internet connection is very slow so it takes me to download that in about 3 or 2,5 h it's is not good because my connection is unstable (i don't know why) so it disconnects in every 1 h that really sux, so i would like to suggest to split 7zip (or install) in parts of ~ 50 mb.