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S2 licensed
Ignore above - sussed it thx
S2 licensed
Hi seem to have a problem admining our demo server.
below is the dedicated.txt

server runs ok but when i type /admin=***** it says not an admin!!

pass is correct. Have i missed anything please??

//if required - password

//if required - admin password

//if required - local specified ip address

//a high number below 65536



//Blackwood/South City/Fern Bay/Autocross/Westhill/Kyoto Ring/Aston

//config : 1=GP/2=RALLYX in Blackwood

//no / yes

//weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood

//cars allowed - see README.txt

//max number of guests that can join host

//max number of cars in a race

//max number of cars (real+ai) on host pc

//max number of cars (real+ai) per guest pc

//smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second

//qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying

//number of laps, 0 for practice

//if laps not specified - hours



//no/yes : can guests vote to kick or ban

//no/yes : can guests select track

//no/yes/ban/spectate : wrong way drivers

//no restart within X seconds of race start

//no restart within X seconds of race finish

//no/yes : allow join during race

//no/yes : pit stop required

//fixed/finish/reverse/random : race start order
S2 licensed
I spin plenty already just using what i guess is the noob machine.

looking forward to tring some new course though as Blackwood gets a bit repetetive after a while.
S2 licensed
£24 just spent. now to see what it really does (when i get conf. email etc)

Any recommendations on servers to play on (ours will remain demo for now as the rest of the lads only have that for now)
S2 licensed
Ditto m8.

Likewise i'm stuck in the office. One day when my 6 numbers come up, i do something better. Nice to see helpful peeps around though. I have known some forums where the stock answer is rtfm, and whilst may be true doesn't endear someone to the game or the community.
S2 licensed
Thanks Guys.

I'll promise to leave you alone for a while now
S2 licensed
Thanks, i found the commands ok, its more where do you type the admin commands. you say type "/ " the admin command

Is that in a console or just the forward slash then the command?
S2 licensed
Sorry, another one.

server Admin, i've done a search for and found some admin commands, the question is how in-game?

The types i normally play have a console you bring down using the ` key.
That doesn't seem to work on LFS - is there another way or am i missing something simple? :ashamed:
S2 licensed
Ah right.

Thanks. Now to persuade she who must be obeyed to spend some money.:icon23:
S2 licensed
I don't think we will have any trouble server wise, we run other intensive games without any issues; thanks for the link though, will check it out.

One last question if i may, i have read the other post about locked / unlocked cars and can't quite suss the definitive answer, perhaps you may know.

If i get an S2 licence are all cars unlocked or would i still be limited to the 3 in the demo (at least initially) If they are locked what is the criteria to obtain them?

Sorry for the noob questions, just want to try make sure of a few things to help decide whether to upgrade at this moment.
S2 licensed
Thank you again.
S2 licensed
Thanks m8, appreciate that, but is that on both the demo and full game or just full?
Max Server?
S2 licensed
Hi, and apologies if i have missed the answer to this.

Presently we run a demo server, but its likely i may purchase the latest version.

Can some one please tell me the Max no. a server can run, seems no matter what we do on the demo 11 is the max. can that be altered or is more available on upgrade to paid version?
