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S3 licensed
The majority of Drag's servers are from Argentina maybe that's why you have lag
S3 licensed
Quote from LOXISLOXIS :# Configuration of LFSServer to be Managed with LFSLapper
# One line per server
# Remote port is the port used to manage LFSLapper remotely, future extension
# One remote port per LFSLapper on one machine, autoStart is optionnal
# Unique ID|GroupId|Ip|Port|WorkDir|IniFile|autowork

here?? or in game

Enter your server and in the chat type /insim 29999 and start LFSLapper
S3 licensed
Reinstala el juego y no le cambies el LFS.exe
Last edited by NakaTech, .
S3 licensed

Now I have another problem, when changing the Dll I do not see the vehicles that have to appear there
S3 licensed
Quote from Comomillo :What did you do? Replaced the reference and recompiled the project, or just replaced the .dll and tried to start the .exe? 'Cause the right thing is the first of the two.

I have already managed to make it work!
S3 licensed
Quote from Comomillo :The issue is mainly caused by the incompatibility of the outdated LFS_External library with the newer LFS versions. As "instant workaround" you can replace that LFS_External.dll library with the one I've attached and then re-build the InSim app.
But as suggested by everyone, the real solution is moving to InSimDotNet library. Once you have understood how it works, I can tell you that it is even easier than LFS_External; the only boring part is to fix the slightly different sintax of all this InSim app.
But the advantage is that you will be able to correctly use all the InSim packets (in the attached library I've simply disabled the ones that were causing the crashes. All the known LFS_External bugs are still there).

(PS: To be honest, the attached library was working fine with 0.6H version, then I switched to InSimDotNet.)

That LFS_External.dll does not work for me, it does not even open the program
S3 licensed
Hello, I do this post to ask if someone has the source code of the "LFS Strobe" and if I would share it, since I would like to edit it a bit and put it in my language, I hope I have not bothered you and I await your answers.
S3 licensed
How can I make the connection to the insim, automatically read the name of the server and the name of the server appears on a button?
S3 licensed
Quote from racerss :1) You're checking for 56 in your code
2) Do some researches about for/foreach loops; you want to only pick the element that corresponds to what you're looking for, use an if statement; if (playerA.PLID == element.PLID) // Example

The bad thing is that I'm just starting to create insims... and I do not understand very well how the codes go, for that reason I am requesting if someone could make me a functional code so I can be guided by that code to do more things...

Thanks for answering
S3 licensed
Quote from racerss :

foreach (clsConnection Conn in Connections) {
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/pitlane " Conn.Username);

That's not how you should do it

You're pitlaning everyone that way.

How would the correct form be?

Similarly, in that mode, it does not send to the pits
S3 licensed
Quote from Comomillo :
InSim insim = new InSim();

// Bind Received Packets to your methods.
// <IS_XXX> is the name of the packet, (XXX_Handler) is the method that is executed everytime a IS_XXX packet is received.

// Connect InSim (read about IS_ISI in InSim.txt doc for more info)
insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings {Host = "", Port = 29999, IName = "InSimName", Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI, Interval = 500});

// Method that is executed everytime a MCI packet is received.
// (Read InSim.txt doc to understand what is contained inside InSim Packets and hence how to handle them).
void MCI_Handler(InSim insim_var, IS_MCI MCI)
for (int n = 0; n < MCI.NumC; n++)
if (MCI.Info[n].Node == 53)
// Retrieve the Username of the player which has "MCI.Info[n].PLID" as current PlayerID...

// Pitlane him...
insim.Send("/pitlane " + Username);

Thanks for answering, I've put it that way but when going through the node it does not do any action: /

void MCI_Handler(Packets.IS_MCI MCI)
for (int n = 0; n < MCI.NumC; n++)
if (MCI.Info[n].Node == 56)
// Retrieve the Username of the player which has "MCI.Info[n].PLID" as current PlayerID...

// Pitlane him...
foreach (clsConnection Conn in Connections)
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/pitlane " + Conn.Username);

S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Just build something in the MCI package where you check if the current node is 53. Then send the /spec command with the corresponding username.

Thanks for answering, but what I'm going to do is that I still do not program well in InSim.Net, so I ask someone who can create a code with those functions for me in the future to guide me in that code to build other things. .
S3 licensed
Can someone give me a hand please?

I need a code that when a user goes through node 53 on the Blackwood track, he sends it directly to the pits.
and also to show the reaction time of a user when leaving when the traffic light turns green.

This is a part of the traffic light code and the green light...

else if (LuzSpeed == 2)
                    if (
C.Counter == 15)
C.Counter 0;
                        if (
C.DragStage == 2)
C.DragStage 3;
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3•"Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C121219317419C.UniqueID2false); //LUZ1-IZQUIERDA - GRANDE
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3•"Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C121219318520C.UniqueID2false); //LUZ1-DERECHA - GRANDE
                        else if (
C.DragStage == 3)
C.DragStage 4;
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3•"Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1212110317421C.UniqueID2false); //LUZ2-IZQUIERDA - GRANDE
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3•"Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1212110318522C.UniqueID2false); //LUZ2-DERECHA - GRANDE
                        else if (
C.DragStage == 4)
C.DragStage 5;
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3•"Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1212111317423C.UniqueID2false); //LUZ3-IZQUIERDA - GRANDE
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3•"Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1212111318524C.UniqueID2false); //LUZ3-DERECHA - GRANDE
                        else if (
C.DragStage == 5)
C.DragStage 6;
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^2•"Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1212112317425C.UniqueID2false); //LUZ4-IZQUIERDA - GRANDE
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^2•"Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1212112318526C.UniqueID2false); //LUZ4-DERECHA - GRANDE
                        else if (
C.DragStage == 6)

If someone could make me a code with those functions, I'd really appreciate it since I'm learning how to use Insim.Net
S3 licensed
Someone could help me please, the program stops after a while, I would like to use this insim since it is the most complete I have seen!
S3 licensed
Quote from alpozdemir6560 :Problem fixed bro Smile

How did you solve it?
S3 licensed
XFG please !!!
Request Hosting
S3 licensed
Good thing I would like to know if there is any web page where they offer hosting by the zones of Brazil, Chile or Argentina.

From already thank you very much! Thumbs up