First and Lastname: Kasper Korsbaek
LFSW Username: Narkoman14
Teamname: Teamless
Team Tag: none
Desired-Carnumber: 99
Date-of-Birth: 17/1/97 (17 january 1997)
Nationality: Denmark
I want to win awards and will pay the fee (Yes/No): No
Last edited by narkoman14, .
Reason : Changed team
I think the reason for no one to show up was that you wrote the message in 00:11 in the "morning", so everyone thought that the race would be the day after you wrote it
First race will be with XFR and UFR on BL1 on thursday the 19th of January. Remember there's no signing up, just come and race.
Fair racing is fun racing.
The race will be a 15 laps race and qual will be 45 minutes.
Me and the other -TRR- guys have decided to make some kind of a racing league. Just without league and with focus on fun.
The rules are precisely like the rules on Rony's fun race.
I will post - in this thread - the car and track we are going to race.
The race will be every second thursday, and the race times will be like this.
Server name will be Narkomans Fun Racing
Qualification: 19.00 GMT+1/CET
Race: 20.00
Qual will last for 45 minutes, and the race will last for max 40 minutes.
I think that was it. If you have any questions then you should just ask
The server will ALWAYS be up at least 30 minutes before qual starts.
I have a little request here.
I would like a mirror you can use in chase view. I know this have been requested before but it's a long time ago.
I'm sending this request because i think it is very annoying and dangerous to be driving chase view and can't look back in any way.