See? that makes more sense.. No need to act like you are the king of the world.. just say it like it is.. makes it abit easier for me to bake it better the next time..
Quick edit: The dark lighting was kinda the point.. :P too have it as dark as possible without missing the fact that the roof was off.. And the model is in pieces? all I did was remove the roof, so you have to talk to morrow about that..
Well, imagine driving that thing on snow.. and you got 200 bhp on your front wheels.. You would need that.. TC isn't a new invention and it's kinda standard on 110bhp golf's aswell.. This is a driving simulator, so the TC has to come with it, or else it would be realistic. BUT, I assume that you can turn it off, just like in the real car.. Or atleast I think you can in the real car..
Oh kewl.. I made this convertible of the morrow design scene.
new rims, cut the roof off, played around with lighting etc etc..
It's for a wallpaper contest we have going in the team..
That's kinda cool. In a strange way.. yeah but that was what I was wondering about, if it was a personal logo or just a random company of some sort.. I got a picture in my head of a totally epic render with a Macdonald's logo on it
Maybe he wants me autograph? ^^ The only one I have given my autograph to was a drunk man at the local pub that kept grabbing my ass.. But anyways, I guess I can do a render from infront aswell, when I get home..
Just to answer your question earlyier in this post.. I think it was your question.. The reason they mirror one side of a skin is that whenever someone is infront of you when you are twinning and you go sideways, the right side of your car will look normal in that persons rear view mirror.. I think.. The same idea that ambulances uses.. when you have them in your rear view mirror you see "ambulance" but when you see it from infront it's mirrored..
Okey, so it got to this. I had a sweet idea, but fighting textures didn't allow me to do it. So this is the result of me being pissed off at 3ds :P
I'll see what i can do about the original idea, but I doubt I can be able to do it like I want to..