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S2 licensed
Quote from biffenjohansson :Har du provat att ändra camber vinklarna?

"if i done the camber edit.."

has around: -3,6extra front camber
live is around -1,0 rear.. no extra camber

antirollbar´s is set to 5-10% less rear than front

ex: rear:45 / front: 50 or something like that..
S2 licensed
then i buld i use:

1%less ridehighspringload fron versus rear.. ex: 88nm rear - 87 nm front
have notice that this is good for my type of style.

the ridehigh´t "first graph u can alter in suspsettings.." tend for me to be best @ the same front and back.. ex: 60-60

the rest is up to the maker etc..
regarding camber point´s..

rear is what the "live value is" so i don´t add extra camber on the rear or make the live camber less "closer to 0value..
front is added mostly: 3,8-3,4extra negative camber for the better handling ctrl on steerlock drifting. doh the front live will be some were around 4,5degree negative but don´t wory.. i don´t..

hint: if u have the same ridehight as the oe i posted here u will have ca: -1,10 - -1,00 in live camber.

and again.. this is what i use nad works fine for my style of drifting.
tyre pressure front and rear, preload "power/cost" option is something u have tom find out also.. brakes, gears etc..

not sure: yeah i can do that to.. but a driftset is a race set that the "maker" has done some tweaks so it´s little harder in susp and more ctrl´n in sideway´s.

(can´t drift as good on a race set that i can on a drf set..)
S2 licensed
nice work here.

now u Demo racer hopefully get S2 and give a go to the other cars to..
Drift set XRT.. Help on info..
S2 licensed
i wanna have a info on how to get LESS grip in the front tyre´s in a drift setup.. having this probb with the set i´m working on atm.

the behavior is: take´s the car out of the drift and make it lose the drift "same reason but" i have outloand my car to friends and they say it is to mutch grip in the front tyres because the car DON´T wanna be in the drift.. u they mostly or in a easy way of saying: the driver has to push the car and the ctrl to the limit to gain the ctrl and continue in a long drift..

sorry for bad typing and spelling..
just got out of bed and don´t wanna spend me one more day to get this drfset working for me. ruins my driving because i don´t can let it go in my mind. just thinking of what can be wrong etc..

don´t wanna have a set from yah all..
just wanna have some input of what to do etc..

tnx.. ™DB Nicce
S2 licensed
does anny one have the Gills eng sound pack??
not the one´s that is in the gills eng thread atm..
looking for the packs that came before this.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Added a new LX6 sound.

Might try and do a drifting pack as it seems quite popular.

that i really hope u do man..
S2 licensed
i don´t use tweak so i really didnt know that u could do that so..
S2 licensed
in patch Z u can´t change the tyres or the rim´s..

patch V and X is the last with this i think atm annyay
S2 licensed
tested, tryed and now i need to find some dudes that what´s to drift this with me..

liked the idea of freeroam style so u can chose the way instead the reverse.
S2 licensed
tnx for the tip/fact also man..

i have tested little diff of setuping the car for drag and has come to that i/u have to know the greenlight change to get the awsome time´s..
S2 licensed
maby u think.. well u can breake the traction more EASY from the road then u drive to get the drift going.. AND u can get more or faster speed on a shorter distans if u have it to..

but in the end u wull maby just trash the rear tyres, hit a wall because i end up going to fast or ramm a dude that´s not THAT fast at all..
i prefer the FZ5 just in fact to have the drift going faster and it´s more ctrl´n in wide angles.. IF u set it up to be..
XRT however is the funniest car to drift with because u don´t TRASH the rears and to be going fast sideway´s with it u have to learn to do that.
S2 licensed
we don´t..

power over that is..
S2 licensed
anny one wanna have a go on this one ?
S2 licensed
like it Hade´s.. got that lvt but in smaller scale and not that good drft on either..

if u wanna pm it to me i´ll be wery happy..
S2 licensed
plz send it to me to FF..
S2 licensed
Cf =)
S2 licensed
u was right man it was damn fast then u let go of the clutch..

now i just have to do some pracc with the start grid and i´m homefree maby for a good chance to the finals..
S2 licensed
nice one man..
got one in the same spot but it is in twinning with a friend and i´m leading..
he jumps a bit and stays close to me annyway..

it was a funny moment.
S2 licensed
u have right man..
and it looked way better than the one i using to i think..

well gonna check the files over and see if i have thoes to..
S2 licensed
it´s not a smoke mod.. they have a thicker dustalpha file and u think it´s more smoke then it is..
S2 licensed
i using thoes in CS4 so it should be working with CS3 to i think..
S2 licensed
are they ?
uhm.. i´ve dl it from this forum and maby only darken it a bit for more clean look i think.. tho i don´t gonna share it in the way they are now so..
S2 licensed
mate reflection wit car_shine around 0,80

awsome work Lynce and friends who helped u