it should be with my set´s so.. (i posted it in the reflection threadh for a dude and he was fast in returning with shot´s.. )
the strenght is not that hard on sky like all other i tested..
i´m using it on Patch V sometimes for better and more goodlooking screens.. sadly the reflection engine is´nt that good in V as in Z10 but i hope it come´s back sometime..
1st man who will make a crit input for this one?? :$
sorry but need to ask annyway to so..: anny one else having a shadow over the car that´s not really are there??
ihave on the XRT and the FZ5 and it´s following around the track like a shadow.. can get pic´s if u don´t udnerstand what i meaning.
nice Work again Lynce..
and regarding the reflection´s..
i have 1,00 and all i do is adjusting the camangle to not get shiny spot´s in weard places.. do using a personal Bloom to with cromesteel effect on and more reflection´s..