That's why i'm requesting such a system here, since i don't possess the knowledge in creating it myself.
If it is to any interest, i'm using LFSLapper as a base insim that i have customized. But i don't know if this has any influence a part from the request. So it would be nice if a coder could reply here.
Read the quote above from main post. Also sorry for missleading you, what i meant was that each invidual should be given the ability to set up their own global ban system, that they can share with their partners (if they have any), so they can share the same ban database. This was never intended to be shared as a common ban base for every lfs server out there.
So it is a global ban system, just not in the same reach as you are refering to.
Not everyone want to use Airio as their insim. And it does not offer any solution in having a shared ban database.
You see, that's what comes with sharing the same ban database with other server owners. That you rely on them, that they take nessescary actions, and not goes power hungry. It's all up to the two parties if they want a common ban base or not, and follow the terms they have been sharing and accepted.
Me for an example have limited the ban time for ordinary admins, while superadmins has the ability to extend and unban people.
A global ban system does work, it just depends who you are sharing it with.
The main reason with this system is:
If you caught a wrecker and you have 10 servers for an example. Regardless of how long the ban will be, you want that person banned on all your servers for the same amount of time. The problem is without this kind of system, you need to go to one server and copy the same ban file into all other servers, every time you ban someone.
It simply doesn't matter how few or many trouble makers it is out there, you still don't wanna copy the same file every time, when you finally spot them.
Nothing says that you must share this system with other server owners. But you can out of free choice do so, but at the cost that you rely on your partner and his admins that they are reasonable when giving out punnishments. It's obvious teams between have different ways of dealing with things, but that's something you have accepted by sharing the same ban database.
And since this system can be developed with more features like collecting information in the web-interface on what server the ban was issued, time and date, when the ban ends, the person who took action, and reason why action was taken. It can't be half bad?
Maybe i formulated myself badly, because of inadequate english language.. But Wolf and Broken summarized and clarified pretty good with what I meant ..
I've been looking for some sort of an Global Ban System feature, without any results. A similiar suggestion was made several years ago (back in 2006 more precisely), but never got any further than just being discussed.
I don't know if this need to be amplified through an insim or locally, and that i don't possess enough knowledge in coding this myself, i'm therefor requesting it in this section.
The reason why i'm requesting this is; I'm running two servers, and is partnered up with some other server owners. And our only solution at the moment is to copy the ban file between the servers every day, to keep the same bans on all servers.
So basicly, what this system is all about is that several servers can out of free choice be connected to the same ban list. And all bans that are being putted into place are written into this shared ban list/database, and that the servers read from it.
This can be developed even further with many more great features as like having a common web-interface, but i leave it as an basic request and let the coder decide if he wants to develop it to something better.
My intention is not that all servers in whole lfs should share same ban database list, more as if someone else are running several servers, they can set up their own global ban system, that's only shared between their servers.
Feel free to discuss this, by sharing your thoughts/opinions/suggestions.
I'm in the same situation, i've been working 12 hour shifts the last few days, and are soon about to start my last shift for this week.
And regarding the wing, i think neither white nor yellow really fits. I think that same grey color as on the side, fits much better, and will make the Lions text much more visible. Although you need to cut out the white partie from the O and S.
Uhm, the FXO looks good as it is, except that the front spoiler is all black, i kinda liked the way i made it.
On the FXR the rear wing shall be yellow, and then lions text on it. And the Lions spam text doesnt seem to match on the front tyre compare to the FXO one. Otherwise it looks damn neat
Not bad, not bad at all. Looks pretty neat tbh.. Although, i find it hard that it would fit for racing the way it looks now, but i guess ur not done with it yet. But i liked your idea.
Travice: I can send you the PSD from my work in a PM, and you can try to give it a finnishing touch. If you could work on placing out the logotype and claws i will include.
I want the logo to be big on the hood, which means bigger than the actual hood. Altough you don't need to cover the whole hood, just half or so because the logo doesn't need to completly visible. And the lions text doesn't need to be visible on the hood.
And so goes for the sides, i want a bigger logo in a nice angle, so you can see some part of Lions text. Somewhere close to the rear tyres.
The claws. i give you the free choice to put where u find it fit, but i think it would be nice to mix them with the logotype somehow, in a big size. And it was a good idea to have them on the mirrors too.
It's fully customizable to take away all dirt, scratches and such, i just included it to show how it look.
I highly appreciate you giving it a try, and would love to see what you come up with
There's no need to use the kind of language. We are not here to criticize your talent or performance. But if you can't follow the simple terms that i've given, it's just a waste of time.
I hope you can take this in a mature manner, and continue with the skin, since i liked it so far, except the parts that needs to be changed.
I don't know if you have even been listening to my request at all. I can't see why you recolor our logotype? Changing that, change the whole concept of who we are, and what we represent. I think i was clear that only the color we have in the logotype, shall be used on the skin. So the red needs to be taken away, and so goes for the Lions spam.
Sorry if i sound harsh, i do appreciate your work, but the way it looks right now, is a big NO.
CrazySkyPimp; Thanks for the tip, definitely gonna have that in mind. Although i would like to embrace others who may not possess the same skills, to give it a try too.
Travice; I liked the design, simple and clean. Is this the final version?
Because the colors are not the ones i had in mind, and the Lions spam doesn't fit.
Uhm, if your up for trying something else, this is what i had in mind.
The logotype should be big on the sides and hood, so not the whole logo is visible, and have some sort of big Claw marks on the sides. And some nice color crossing as you had on Lions5.
Looks a bit edgy, with those ... dunno what its called. But i think its too soon to judge if it will fit or not. And on the rainbow version i didnt really like the "crossover" mix on the hood were several colors meet each other, and hope that the colors will be changed :P
Since our logo is a lion it would be nice to have a theme that fits with it. Doesn't need to be any advanced graphics like some have, it's nice with simple stuff too.
Or, without a theme, but then in different base colors, with that i mean color swapping. Although we would like to see some nice combinations between the colors we have in the logotype.
You are also allowed to put kits, scoops, vents and such on it to make it look better.
Thanks for giving it a try, and can't wait to see what you will come up with.
Lions EsportsKlubb is looking for a simple but professional skin design in the racing category, which can be applied for all cars, and will be used in the leagues we will be participating in.
We don't have any particular requests, so we would like to give you the free hand in your creation and creativity. All colors you need is inside our logotype, but we would like to see some different base colors chosen on the skins. (Color Swap) And also the logotype itself on it.
(Bear in mind that we do have official sponsors in our organisation, that needs to have a spot on the skins. So therefore we would like to ask you to keep the skin clean from unnecessary advertisements. And have the choice to put them on ourselfs since it might come more and some to be replaced.)
About Lions:
Lions EsportsKlubb is an e-sport organisation located in Norway. And was established back in year 2007, and has become the biggest e-sport organisation in Norway during the years. Today we currently holds several professional teams in various games, who all competes on a professional level. And are now building roots in the game Live for Speed, with the goal to compete in all major leagues.
But i find it hard that the developers would even consider implementing this, they already got alot of other stuff to do, that is way more important than this..
Many games today actually implements some sort of a swear filter. But sure, it won't censor all bad words that's out there, but it would make a hell big of a difference by taking away most of them.
It might be a insim out there that's already been made for this, but then again you need to think about that people need to be aware of it and have the knownledge to set it up on their own server. Having a Global swear filter built-in in LFS would save alot of work for others by not need to take any actions, and have a more enjoyable driving.