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S3 licensed
1. i run dedicated host how the hell could that be singleplayer
2.i tested now to just open lfs>new server>open insim>open lfslapper and its working
but it dont work when i open the port in the dedicated host server like i did on the normal way
dedicated host>open lfs>search server>go in server>open insim>open lfs lapper than i get that strange messenger

my cfg lfsservers file looks lik this its defaut setting
and to temember its working correct on the first way i try!

# Configuration of LFSServer to be Managed with LFSLapper
# One line per server
# Remote port is the port used to manage LFSLapper remotely, future extension
# One remote port per LFSLapper on one machine, autoStart is optionnal
#Unique ID|GroupId|Ip|Port|WorkDir|IniFile|autowork
Last edited by nssf, .
S3 licensed
no1 can help me fix this problem?
problems getting lfslapper running
S3 licensed
befor i got this new server running system with multi dedicated host i got 1 server and 1 dedicated host and 1 port open in my router but from like 6000 till 6535 and lfs lapper just runned no problem

now i have for every dedicated host open a port in rautor the servers ar running so i thought put lfs lapper on my drift server but! the crap is not working annymore i get errors like..

insim guest closed:lfs lapper
is_mtc-only for multiplayer hosts
is_mtc-only for multiplayer hosts
is_mtc-only for multiplayer hosts
is_mtc-only for multiplayer hosts
is_mtc-only for multiplayer hosts
(i dont know how to post a picture)

does some1 know how i get it working im using lfslapper 6.000beta btw dont sy couse you using beta couse it worked before

so..... selutions welkom or a link maby couse i watching here for 3 hours and trying for 3 hours and i dont know annymore what to try i try lfslapper5,7 mmm no result im speechless
S3 licensed
Quote from giorgobiani554 :Yeah, thank you one more time guys, your answers really helped, finaly after 4hours of hard work i did a small score counting board that i wanted I'm not good at programming lapper but having seen other commands I wrote quite cool drift score counter

If you wanna try it yourself here's the script for Lapper 5.7.16

It's open source and I share it for free, it's 100% workable

is iut only the script or is lapper in it to couse i just download it and try to put it on and he sy password does not match with admin apssword
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Je kunt inderdaad niet in meer dan 1 van je eigen servers tegelijk nee.

Dit komt omdat 1 unique licensie maar 1 keer tegelijk online mag zijn.

En waarom je de andere servers niet ziet, zou kunnen komen omdat je de keuze Leeg uit hebt staan. Wanneer deze aan staat, kun je ook lege servers zien.

het stond inderdaad uit en tcp stond ook uit die heb ik aangezet maar nog altijd niet te vinden en zoals men ziet heb ik de enige server met 10ms dus staat boven aan dus zou toch eigenlijk meteen zichtbaar moeten zijn toch
S3 licensed
ik heb nu 3 dedicated host op online staan en 1 keer lfs waar ik dus in mijn eerste server zit als ik lfs nog eens open en de serverlijst zoek dan zie ik geen dahlback racing 2 en 3 staan? en als ik nog een server wil openen via nieuwe server maken dan zegt hij gebruikersnaam is al online....
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Je moet 3/4 verschillende LFS Dedicated op je pc hebben geinstalleerd, dus ook in zoveel verschillende mapjes.

Deze stel je iedere, anders in met een andere poort, deze poort moet natuurlijk ook open worden gezet in je router.

Wanneer je dit hebt gedaan kun je via de dedicated schermpjes in de gate houden wie de server binnen komt en noem maar op.

Ook kun je nu nog steeds zelf via LFS zelf joinen.


dankjewel dit ga ik eens proberen als het niet lukt kan ik jullie nog altijd lastig vallenlol
S3 licensed
man im to stupid for it i did overtake your picture

i got now the 3 setup cfg files in the orginal dedi map
i click on the dedi logo and it sy offline couse.....
Run LFS from command line with a different cfg

how i do that just click on run and than i typ there where the location is of dedi? like d/spel/spel/Kopie von setup.cfg

lol omg im noob
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Sure you can, by using a different cfg file, server name and port (instead of 63392 use e.g. 63390).

could you explain me that a bit better if you want

do i need make different lfs folders to hold it nice clean? or can i put the 2 different cfg on 1 map i dont think so it ask than you want overwrite it
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Just run 3-4 dedicated hosts.

mmm that i can try i just did click again on it and it sed
warning another instance of lfs is tcp socket : bind fail
maby i need put it in other folder to separate it i wil try it but how to see the servers:P couse you cant open lfs multiple times hgehe
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :By the sounds of it you are running your server through LFS itself, yes?

Well, read this guide on Dedicated servers.

Sorry if its not what you want.

i run it on dedicated host

like this open dedicate host status online blablabla than open lfs and open new server than im in my own server but cant go somewhere els couse you cant open lfs 2 times but how do teams have 3 or 4 server
Last edited by nssf, .
multiple servers!
S3 licensed
i got now 1 server running on dedi host on my own pc how i can run 2 3 or 4 servers? and how to watch them couse even now with 1 server i cant leave it and go to an other server... with stying my own server online

ty for the help