the way i see it, its a lot easier to learn from followin someone than to keep watchin replays and go out in single player, within a couple of laps of followin someone u can judge where to brake, where to hit the throttle where to turn in, with a decent instructor they can provide all that needs to be known, if they are within a few tenths of the wr's then at 5-10 seconds below that time they can show the exact lines that needs to be taken, plus take the time to see where ppl might be goin wrong, my idea was if there are say 3 instructors, 2 on track and 1 speccin, they can all give out their own advice, the faster drivers can do with one instructor the slower with another and the instructor speccin can just go over each driver and see how they are doin, give little tips here and there, the drivers who show signs of improvment can go to the other instructor and learn to go a little quicker and have more detailed instructions on where they might be goin wrong, this leads onto solvin a few problems(hopefully) like ppl goin on servers who have no racin etiqute(sp) who dive for the inside line even tho its blatanly blocked, or who cant hold off on corners and just barge their way through, it teaches the newcomers where to pass, where their strong points are on laps, just like in real life takin some risks lead to slower lap times and loss of places, whereas a carefully well thought out pass can lead to higher places without any fuss, this is where i mentioned the points scheme, could introduce an honour scheme(like aa) where to join some servers u need so much honour, wich could be given out by instructors or server admins, good behaviour and respect to players etc earns u honour, whereas bein a nob takes honour away, its an incentive to drive well and drive respectfully, obviously other drivers have their own views but this could work out well if it was executed properly(again insert ur own grammar)