if the "pro" level AI`s are behind the "newbies" AI`s, they wont overtake them, and tehy will go slow, braking a lot more than normal, try putting the "pro" ones in front at the start, and they will run away
this is the dinamic detail reduction, or something like that, here is a pic of it(not very good one but will do the work :P).
By put less of "that" :P, it will be less radical in the dinamuic reductions, but you will get a down in FPS
Sry for the bad english, hope it was usefull.
I was playing ver happy , until suddenly the game start to run with 4 FPS and when i return to the menu i see this(see the screenie). This is beginning to happen very often, and is totaly random. I tryed to solve the problem reinstalling LFS, but didnt work
ah, by the way, i have the patch V, and sorry for the horrible english
someone can help me? -_-
Totally agree, BF1 now is more far from its real sound. Nice represatations of the sounds ... i like more the actual brooom, than the brrrr .
Why with the custom view, when i put it outside of the car, the sound is still like it was inside of it? illepall
i need help, i just installed the test patch U32 and now my LFS its in DEMO, I used my monthly unloker because I reinstalled windows on my computer one week ago, and now i will have to wait until next moth?? ...
wait a sec.... so that means the game use an unlock every month or something?, because i unloked the othe computer months ago, i didnt used any unloks in the past month or this one illepall. if i recive a new unloker the first day of every month, i supossed to have 2 unlokers now. but i dont have any
Edit: i bought the game a long time ago, so i suposed to have more than one unloker isn`t it?
and why if i didnt used any unlokers since the past month, and now i dont have any unlokers yet?, its still 0... i have my game unloked right now, but is very odd that i dont have any unlokers if i didn`t used any one.
maybe because i have te game unloked in other pc?... illepall
akina is haruna in the real life, http://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~eg9/gallery.htm .
+1 for the hillclimb and downhill stages too. will be great to do 1vs1 races on a downhill/hillclimb, initial d style