This is an interresting concept. Developing a tyre model and measuring that instead of real tyres... Of course it has the advantage of a "finished" and deterministic model, so with the constantly growing computational capacity of our PCs lead to this model, but since then it can be approximated with various accuracies, so it can be computed realtime. The other advantage is the easy and fast measurement. I hope the base model is - or will be - good enough, so with the faster computers we can easily get better and better tire physics with a short development time.
Would be nice to have some hash (sha1 or such) of the exe from the users, who use the linked lfs.exe but have CPW problems. I am pretty shure they have some kind of virus wich the AV does not detect.
The Wattages on the PSUs are the total output power of them. The maxmum Watts are different on the various voltages too, but the sum of them is eg. 650W wich is the 80% of the input power (assuming a 650W psu with 80% efficiency). And the efficiency it not a constant. It depends on the load too. So it may be worse or better.
It would be a nice feature if we cold programmably force racers to change servers through InSim.
An example:
In our league we race on multiple servers and if someone runs prequalifying laps but does not attend the race itself it is always a pain to "manually" move the people forward to another server to fill the gaps. This could be automated with such a feature.
So Encoding.Default instead of ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.
This should do the job, since the client InSim apps mostly run on the same system as the InSim server.
Of course this is just a temp hack.
This lib is very useful. Thank you for your work.
Here is a feature request:
it would be nice if the PType would be a FlagsAttribute field in the IS_NPL packet struct.