Ain't it bad enough for me to be living in Greece were ISP's suddenly decide to restrict your packets to something like 20-30 so you cant even play on-line most of the day???
Good Point also - But what if during those 30 mins you were mostly surrounded by wreckers? If that happens, most of the users would just leave it at that. And lets not forget that after all, LFS is an ONLINE racing simulator.
P.S.1 And with many people having a different IP everytime they log in, we'd only get more people upset..
And now i'm out 0.04€. Damn this thread is getting expensive!! :spin:
I wouldn't agree with that. If done this way, they'll miss out on the most important part of LFS - Online gaming, away from the messed up AI.
I was a demo player - as were all of us i guess - got the crack to see if there was reason enough for me to buy the full game (I Know most will say that is wrong, but that is what i do. I try a game full and if i like it i Buy it. Hell, i've even bought games after i've finished them but that is just me). And trust me when i say this, if i hadn't had some wonderfull moments on the demo servers, cause admitedly some of them were really bad, i'd just have uninstalled the game and went on with my life.
I think the way it works now is as close to perfect as possible. And allthough people keep complaining about the certainly not perfect AI, it turns out that it is one of the best reasons to buy the game.
This happend to me last night, but i then i went to controler setup and found out that there was no button assigned to Reverce any more. Reaplied it, and all was fine.