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Quote from Polyracer :So you put all your faith in this one book?, written by some simple people who would think that a wheel is cutting edge technology?

Words that have been misstranslated and altered over the last two thousand years and bear little truth to what the original authors wrote.

No thanks I'll stick with thousands of modern books that corroborate each others principles and theory's, all of which are open to scrutiny and correction and have passed the test of actually proving what is written in them with modern knowledge and techniques

ok thats u, i respect ur opinion. i expect that people respect mine thats y i posted
S3 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Nope, that statistic is based on when they go in. Good thought though.

So glue has been invented for longer than the world has existed. Righty ho

More like 90 years (between publication of On the Origin of Species and Hubble's. One is the origins of life, the other is origins of the universe. Different issues.

please could you Stop idle and Seemingly arbitrary capitalisation in Sentences containing the word god. i Noticed that you did not capitalise Darwin, which i Feel sure you know is a proper Noun.

I would post something intelligent, but I've run out of intelligence for today so I had to resort to being human grammar check. Come back tomorrow

i forgot to capitalise Darwin. I did that cause they are both names. I believe that God is a person. this is just a thread from someone who wanted to know about our opinions. and its like 2:30 pm in america so..... I didn't look to offend people with these statements
i wasnt sure about the 90 year thing so i threw up a number. but ur right
S3 licensed
Quote from wsinda :You may want to reconsider that statement. You imply that God wants us to go nuts.

thats why i said IF
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Quote from fragile_dog :1. Through the use of carbon dating technology, the layers of sediment adn rock, etc etc, theres lots of ways of proving how old something is.
2. And thats what darwin said, evolution changes a species to live in its envioment. So how was he right with wrong ideas?
3. So you know what context his research was done in yes? and those afterwards presumbly being either historians or bioligests them selves don't.
4. Meh
5. The bible has changed through translation over the years, and now proberly reads alot different in parts, so its the word of god, written down by a few hundred people, then translated over teh centries again and again and again.

1. carbon dating isn't always accurate. I have tried it at my college. U get one number then when u test again u get a whole different number.
2. darwin was right, other researchers where wrong.
3. there are many arguements concerning this, because not all historians and biologist believe the same thing.
5. i agree with that. The theory that people go directly to heaven is a result of no punctuation in early times. if u look up how the bible was printed before the printing press, they were hand written, if there was one mistake the whole book had to be rewritten.
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Quote from Polyracer :Nope, you are going to have to come up with something called proof.

6000 years or about 6000 years comes from the calculations of the lives of those in the bible.

the bible wasn't written by one person. Some bibles can tell u who wrote what in them
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Quote from Mazz4200 :It's just, you're above posts may cause a bit of a reaction with some of the old timers in here....

We'll see.

Edit: Lol, too late, and i have a feeling there's more to come, sit tight.

i expect it

im not an old timer to religion
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Quote from fragile_dog :1. Been proven wrong by science. Where the dinosaur fossils put there by god to confuse us?
2. How can he be right with the wrong idea? Althrough darwin was very relegious and his work caused great conflict with in himself
3. Darwin studied life, not the creation of the universe, so what this has to do with anything I don't know.
4. The bible was proberly writtern by the romans as well.
5. Have you ever heard the word of god?

1.How has how many billions of years been proven right?
2.right with wrong idea because people and animals have to adapt to their environments
3.darwin did study life but those who researched after darwin's death took it out of context
4. Paul is a prophet in the Bible and he was roman
5. The word of God=Bible
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Quote from JO53PHS :You actually like it? OMG

Yes I can do it for the FXO once the RB4 is done

Oh - I can't quite make out what the logo is behind the front wheel arch. Its the one next to the KONIG logo

its says V-something
thx man please for the FXo
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Quote from Mazz4200 :Join date: Feb2008

It's not an insult, just pointing out you're a new face around here.


Thanks then
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2 gay guys swim in a pool naked.
then a condom floats to the surface
1 guy says
"Sorry I farted"
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Quote from Mazz4200 : It's tempting, real tempting....but no, not with a newb.......not yet....

who is the newb
S3 licensed
I can see that there is mass confusion with beliefs. through what I believe

1. there are 6000 years in world's history.
2. Darwin was right with evolution but had a wrong idea
3. the big bang theory wasn't created till 200 years after darwin's death.
4. Sabbath was changed to Sunday because of Constantine wanting to combine his forces with the christians.
5. I follow the word of God not the words of man.
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Quote from DTrott :I remember reading somewhere that many religious poeple believe in the big bang theory.

The order of creation (in the bible) is fairly accurate to what really happened. The earth and seas then plants then animals and finally humans. The length of day isn't specified in the bible.

the length of day is not clearly specified but it says that the Sabbath is from sunset to sunset
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Quote from LFSn00b :Well, i got back from school 30 mins ago and i am kinda confused. I am maybe an atheist because i really don't think that God exists, but now i still think he doesn't exist. But our teacher says different :/

Well, she told us four different facts why does he exist. First is the Cosmological provement which doesn't even make sense to me because in cosmological provement thingymabob, "there is one who puts everything moving" and it is God. Then there is the teleological provement. The world is organised with sense or something. This makes no sense to me neither because if the world is organised, why there is drug-addicts and such?

Third one is Ontological thing.
The human has an image of God in his mind(jpeg's so they wont take the whole memory) about the perfect creature. The perfection is God and i am kinda amused in this. I have usually believed that God is a merciful and loving emperor. But he's also selfish? :wtf2:

Then is the moral provement which also does not make sense. Because people do everything because of their confidence(wrong choices of words?) and they can recognise the good and bad things with their confidence. And confidence is ran by God? Makes no sense at all!

I believe in all kinds of Evolution. Because i think the world has been created by a big boom or an accident. I don't think everything is created by God. Well, maybe something is, but i dunno.

I just hope i won't be called the next lerts because that guy was evn weirder than me now But i hope i make sense atleast half of that what i wrote. Because i cannot find the answer anywhere. Maybe it will be solved at the end of the world or when you die?
Don't flame me!

I understand ur situation. I believe in a God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. And that everything was created by him. Things like cars and video games like LFS were inspired by God to the person or persons who created them. If God controlled us 100%, every1 would go crazy. Of course it is your option to follow God or believe in him. Its all about faith.

God knows what u want to do, but He doesn't control what u do. If you ask. He can sure help control yourself. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Matthew 5:5 (not sure on the verse)

God is a Jealous God. Not selfish. He says so in the Bible. Exodus 20:5 tells us that God Himself is a jealous God.

I believe that God is Perfect. ONLY, because he designed people to be perfect. since the fall of man, life expectancy went from almost 1000 years to less than 100 and 120 at max

for your evolution question. National Geographic had a cover story about evolution. titled: Was Charles Darwin Wrong?
and it was a huge cover story that was a lie. supposedly scientists had found out about more scientific evedence. which wasn't true.
I'm not at home currently so i cant give that much info.
If u reply I promise I will comeback to you
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Quote from JO53PHS :I don't see why some people can't change gear without frying up the clutch

i agree 100%
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Quote from JO53PHS :Here it is so far, still very 'rough' at the moment.

It's pretty bad

can u make it for the FXO
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Quote from Riders Motion :Sure, just don't claim it's yours.

i wouldn't do that but thx
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does SUV racing count??
USDM Nissan Pathfinder 2000 3.3L V6
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2400 Radeon isn't bad
my opinion is that they are budget cards
try the 2600 radeon pro although its GDDR2
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Can i put this on my server????? server:[D1GP]drifting
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Quote from jonny__27 :clutch-kick
jump drift
swaying drift
dirt-drop drift

a few more techniques

chuku dori or something
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Quote from DnkyKng :Could I join? Been drifting at ur server few times..
PS. Check this out

you gotta beat me first
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Quote from flymike91 :Nor Cal
its on

nor cal vs. so cal.........................
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I Love It!!!!!
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Quote from harjun :Why you giving this guy hell...he just asked if there were any other LFSers in SO Cal?

thank you man.......geez