i forgot to capitalise Darwin. I did that cause they are both names. I believe that God is a person. this is just a thread from someone who wanted to know about our opinions. and its like 2:30 pm in america so..... I didn't look to offend people with these statements
i wasnt sure about the 90 year thing so i threw up a number. but ur right
1. carbon dating isn't always accurate. I have tried it at my college. U get one number then when u test again u get a whole different number.
2. darwin was right, other researchers where wrong.
3. there are many arguements concerning this, because not all historians and biologist believe the same thing.
5. i agree with that. The theory that people go directly to heaven is a result of no punctuation in early times. if u look up how the bible was printed before the printing press, they were hand written, if there was one mistake the whole book had to be rewritten.
1.How has how many billions of years been proven right?
2.right with wrong idea because people and animals have to adapt to their environments
3.darwin did study life but those who researched after darwin's death took it out of context
4. Paul is a prophet in the Bible and he was roman
5. The word of God=Bible
I can see that there is mass confusion with beliefs. through what I believe
1. there are 6000 years in world's history.
2. Darwin was right with evolution but had a wrong idea
3. the big bang theory wasn't created till 200 years after darwin's death.
4. Sabbath was changed to Sunday because of Constantine wanting to combine his forces with the christians.
5. I follow the word of God not the words of man.
I understand ur situation. I believe in a God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. And that everything was created by him. Things like cars and video games like LFS were inspired by God to the person or persons who created them. If God controlled us 100%, every1 would go crazy. Of course it is your option to follow God or believe in him. Its all about faith.
God knows what u want to do, but He doesn't control what u do. If you ask. He can sure help control yourself. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shallfind; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Matthew 5:5 (not sure on the verse)
God is a Jealous God. Not selfish. He says so in the Bible. Exodus 20:5 tells us that God Himself is a jealousGod.
I believe that God is Perfect. ONLY, because he designed people to be perfect. since the fall of man, life expectancy went from almost 1000 years to less than 100 and 120 at max
for your evolution question. National Geographic had a cover story about evolution. titled: Was Charles Darwin Wrong?
and it was a huge cover story that was a lie. supposedly scientists had found out about more scientific evedence. which wasn't true.
I'm not at home currently so i cant give that much info.
If u reply I promise I will comeback to you