same with me i still got my 800+ songs and TTR2.6 so im good for now and i have all my games synced on itunes i just need to get the mipatchfirmware thing from cydia and ill be all set...
LOL and you can use the bluetooth to play multiplayer games i think but ive been reading everywere and i think they have a ultrasn0w GUI for iphone 3g but not for ipod i cant wait till it comes out and what cool things they make lol
hehe talking about me being jailbroken lol but yea official jailbreak should be out in like 1-2 weeks i hope since they had beta jailbreaks with icy but how knows
yea i have a crappy laptop and i was wondering if i lower all the DDS quality would my lfs run better? if so can anybody make a low quality LFS for me thx