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S3 licensed
Hello, friends of the forum, I would like to request a PSD logo design since I do not have much knowledge in making logos in Photoshop and I would like some of you to give me this help!

The logo is as follows:

I wanted it in PSD to edit it, thanks a lot!
S3 licensed
Very good Bass-Driver congratulate you!
S3 licensed
Add the file that is inside the .rar that is attached to the includes folder and addonused.lpr adds the following line:

include ("./interface.lpr");

Start LFSLapper and go!
[HELP] Error compiling
S3 licensed
I have come to ask you for help since I have not used Visual Studio for a long time and wanted to know how I can solve the following image error

Thanks in advance !
Last edited by Popughini, .
S3 licensed
UP !
S3 licensed
You know I have a mistake that when using !jrr the car is not respawn
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :Here a small explaination how i did this:

1) Add a insim circle. When someone drives into that circle the following event will be executed.

Event OnCrossingChecker($userName,$Flags,$Time,$Object,$UserSpeed,$CircleIndex)

2) Created a globalvar ($CountPlayers for example) that will count the many players who entered the circle.
So for each player that will enter the circle +1.

IF ($CountPlayers == 1) THEN

3) Use the joinrequest() function to spawn the players to the moon.

But in the demo version you can not add insim circles
Sorry for the disturbances
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :No, the error means you are mishandling an array Smile

The code is the same as the one published by Bass-Driver

CASE "!jrr":
privmsg("Test JoinRequest");
$X_Axis getcurrentplayervar("X");      #X axis SpawnPoint
$Y_Axis getcurrentplayervar("Y");      #Y axis SpawnPoint
$Z_Axis getcurrentplayervar("Z");      #Z axis SpawnPoint
$Flags 128;      #Move/Reset car (128) else (0)
$Heading 0;  #Heading of the players car at Spawnpoint
$UCID 0;       #Connection's unique id (0 = host)
$PLID getcurrentplayervar("PLID");  #Player's unique id
$JRRAction 4;
joinrequest($X_Axis $Y_Axis $Z_Axis $Flags ,$Heading $UCID $PLID ,$JRRAction); #Send Data to LFS
privmsg("Your UCID: ".getcurrentplayervar("UCID"));
privmsg("Your PLID: ".getcurrentplayervar("PLID"));

S3 licensed
I have the following error

6/21/2017 9:01:49 AM -> Syntax error in cfg file ".\default\SISTEMAS.lpr" at line #456
You can't change the dimension of an array... use unSet( $X_Axis ); before

Can it be something I deleted from LFSLapper.lpr?
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Well, that depends how you want to go about it.
If you want to send the first 4 people to a different location that reach that node, you can use a simple counter.
If the first person that reaches the node, triggers the action, you will need to find a way to pick out the other 3.
In case they are in a race, it would be easy to select the number 2,3 and 4 and re-locate them.
Maybe I am missing something, but all of the above seems relatively easy to accomplish with Lapper.

What I want is something similar to what has the "Drag Addon" of Bass-Driver that when there are 4 runners running and arrive for example to the node 188 the return to the 4 runners to different positions
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :You can do that using RegisterNodeAction and then a Sub-routine to do the spawning.

But what you do not do is to read one user and then another, I want you to read 4 users and I sent each one to a different position
S3 licensed
Good Bass-Driver, sorry for the inconvenience, but is there any way to make it when users go through node 188 to return them to a spawn zone? As in the Drag Addon that when 4 users go through X node it returns them to a different position to each one
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :First of all, you have to see who's an admin in the server.

You can do this with a foreach Loop

$Var IN $Players #For each player in the server

In that loop, you check if the current player in the loop in an admin.

IF ( UserIsAdmin$Var["value"] ) == THEN


To open button for a specific player in your current loop using the OpenButton() function.

$Var["value"], "button",175,124,25,5,5,2,96,"");

I see now that, adding the Ipaddress player var to LFSLapper was a bad choice. So many cracked players and i think legal players are using it. This could be a security issue :S I'm sorry for that.

But it was a insimpacket that was kinda easy to implement so yeah uhm.

Thanks bro I'll try it!
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :In the meantime you are waiting for the code, You should have done this by yourself.
These are just buttons. Easiest thing in Lapper.

And with using the search function on this lapperforum looking for "Marshall" you whould find a script with marshalls:

Edit: i will delete the my post and the post above soon, to clean the topic.

Many thanks ! I had it but I lost it when I formatted my pc

Thanks Bass-Driver, sinanju and Yisc [NL] helped me a lot with the things I needed!
S3 licensed
Does not connect to main server
S3 licensed
Hi I have a problem, today when trying to connect to my account I could not why the game receives me the connection with the master server, the strange thing is that from me another pc can connect correctly but from this it does not leave me ... I have already disabled The firewall to not have restrictions but likewise does not let me connect.

I hope to receive a help!

Thanks in advance
S3 licensed
Would you have the Marshall's code please?

S3 licensed
Good idea Yisc !
Get ip address
S3 licensed
Is there any way that when a user enters the server the "administrator" is shown on a button the IP address of the new user that connects?

I try like this but I do not work

Event OnConnect
$userName # Player event

obtenerIP$KeyFlags );

Sub obtenerIP
$KeyFlags )
IF ( 
UserIsAdmin$userName ) == )
"base_obtenerIP1",4,80,32,6,4,3,23,"" );
openPrivButton"base_obtenerIP2",4,80,32,6,4,3,23,"" );
openPrivButton"base_obtenerIP3",4,80,32,6,4,3,23,"" );
openPrivButton"obtenerIP1",5,81,30,4,4,3,32,"" );
openPrivButton"obtenerIP2",5,81,30,4,4,3,32,"" );
openPrivButton"obtenerIP3",5,81,30,4,4,3,32,""GetCurrentPlayerVar "userName" ) . " ^6the IP address is^7: "GetCurrentPlayerVar "IPAddress" ),"" );

If someone could correct the code I would appreciate it
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :@Popughini

Here's an examplecode for display players speed, that i used in a another topic.
With the 2 commands you can control a loop inside a Sub

#Event triggered when lapper start#
Event OnLapperStart()
Globalvar $Loop_On
$Loop_On 0;

#Command actions#
Event OnMSO$userName$text # Player event

$idxOfFirtsSpace indexOf$text" ");

$idxOfFirtsSpace == -THEN
$argv "";
$command subStr$text,0,$idxOfFirtsSpace );
$argv trimsubStr$text,$idxOfFirtsSpace ) );
$command )

$Loop_On 0;
$Racers GetListOfPlayers("U");                  
$Var IN $Racers )
closeButton$Var["value"], "speed");
$Loop_On 1;
globalmsg("execute sub Set_Loop()");


Sub Set_Loop
    IF (
$Loop_On == 1THEN 
$Var IN $Racers #For each player in the server
openButton$Var["value"], "speed",175,124,25,5,5,2,96,"^7" GetPlayerVar$Var["value"], "InstantSpeed") . " " GetPlayerVar$Var["value"], "UnitSpeed")."^8 (".GetPlayerVar$Var["value"], "Car").")");
DelayedCommand1Set_Loop); #1 second delay


But how can I make a button when I click to close a Sub?
New Function
S3 licensed
Hello, I wanted to make a request and know if it could be done by Bass-Driver, the request would be if you can add a new one to a function similar to that of "ClosePrivButton" but that new function is "CloseSub" that would fulfill the same function as the Of "ClosePrivButton" function would disable a "Sub Event" not if I explain myself well ....

I hope this feature can be created because it would help close things with more fluidity than closing a button


Buenas quería hacer una petición y saber si podría ser realizada por Bass-Driver, la petición sería si se puede agregar una nueva a función parecida a la de "ClosePrivButton" pero que está nueva función sea "CloseSub" que cumpliría la misma función que la de "ClosePrivButton" la función sería desactivar un "Sub Evento" no se si me explico bien....

Espero se pueda crear esta función ya que ayudaría a cerrar cosas con mayor fluidez que cerrar de a 1 botón
S3 licensed
I was told that the code is old and no longer works :/
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :The answer you are looking for is in the releasenotes of the latest versions of Lapper:

NOTE: Since Version contains changes for the RegisterNodeAction() & RegisterZoneAction() Sub Callbacks. The Sub callback requires now 2 values. See example below!!

RegisterNodeAction( TESTID, getLapperVar( "ShortTrackName" ) , getCurrentPlayerVar("CurrNode") , test,"" );

Sub test($UserName,$ZoneID)
privmsg("ID=".$ZoneID); #output is TESTID

Why do you help a demo user using Crack to have S2 license for free?
S3 licensed
It has several folders and files, to start it from the file I have to have ubuntu and use Windows
S3 licensed
Thank you, I knew how to do it but as I left a little aside the LFSLapper I had forgotten!