Aah, i had a lot of server problems, so it was impossible to upload something. Should be OK for tomorrow and if i have time, i'll try to do something I have little ideas
Misko, i hope you can choose now your own country and your antarctican friends. Had lucky day and i got 240 countries.
hackerx, updated, now you can delete racers too. I was busy today and at now this is only english(tomorrow multilanguage). I plan to do this thing into qualification section too.
When you're choosing penalty(in race results editing page) then last option is DNF
Good idea, and it's fixed.
Like Kongo and Mongo etc :lol:...ok i had some flag pictures in the old times and i copied them. I don't know about Kongo's and Mongo's because i don't have them flag pictures :/
EDIT: oops, i forgot something..
I need some mate, who can translate these phrases/words into germany:
MPR qualification
New qualification
Hello everyone. I have plan to share(soon) my new tourney system, what i have done.
So before sharing, maybe YOU have any ideas, what can do better, what's wrong, something new..etc.
So if you have time, test it as u can. I hope there aren't any bugs, but i can't tell that there aren't any bugs :/
Administration page: http://priits.tavaline.info/LFS/turniir/admin.php password is 'admin', upload ur replays or whatever, just do something Make new tourney(Better named your forum username, then i know who made this tourney...)
Aah, BIG THANKS to Sracer, because he made 4 default skins, and some translation work(Finnish)...thanks to Freak(German), Phlos(French) and Holycow(Norweigan).
BTW, if u wan't see see your own language and you're ready to translate, contact me by MSN([email protected]).
EDIT: This stupid script was MorroW's idea. So don't forget him
So let's rock then...
UPDATES 18.08.2005 -
*Now you can add your MPR qualification replay(not neccessary) and give points like race results If qualification added, then qualification is showed in race results page.
*Country flags
*Add DNF racers into race
EDIT: I removed other languages, because it's pointless to update step by step every file