Well,here it is - the last day of 2011. We wanted to finish this year, the year that we were born, with something special, and we almost made it! This is present to you all, that has supported Wicked Racing Team in 2011, all our friends of track and enemies on racing path. Ladies and gentleman, let me present you - the Wicked Racing Team promo video by our own Skirmantas 'seniecka' Stankevičius a.k.a. senis production. With this video we would like to thank all drivers, league organisers and friends. We'll do our best in 2012. Have a nice hangover all!
In the name of all administration team, we would like to wish you all Merry Christmas and best of luck in 2012 - all the best in real life and, of course, on track, fighting for the victory at Baltic Cup and various other leagues.
Woow...this is really something...you don't get your attention to these things like "how it looks from a side" when you are driving the car. Loved the whole video and especially the XRR two wheels action. Great Cristmas gift,Martin!
I don't think this argument is helping the name and the prestige of this league. If some drivers from certain country have any issues with the decisions being made by one or all group of representatives - he should contact his country's representative and give this info to him, then we'll have a representative meeting and decide things we should change.