Have to agree with all of you guys. Want to thank Seb and Niko with who i worked during that long green flaged part,was fun,sadly i rolled and DNF'ed. Race all in all was fun,had nice qual practice and was nice working with WTEM guys. Thanks for those who were using theyr heads last night.Have to say sorry for all of ppl for (from what i saw in replay and broadcast) red flag,was kinda my foult,did something like Webber and Vettel,but yea,i just though i passed Wilko with all of my car but his front whing fos still alongside my rear tyre.Meh...cyu next time
I'm here with some bad news,well not that bad but we won't have a stream unless we will find pc powerfull enough to stream over Livestream,until that,you may use LFS Worlds's remote.That's the news for this time.