The LFS works with more than 1 application o INSim.
I Had downloaded the VLFSD and its didn´t worked to me. :-(
When I started to create the Telemetry, my first application was a Dashborad exaclty like the VLFSD (When I asked the program, I didn´t realyzed that is a Virtual LFS Dashboard).
I will put a Link here for you, so, I know that it will work.
I don´t know. When I programmed the Seven LFS Telemetry, I did it with the defaults configurations of Live for Speed. I really don´t know if the VLFSD need some extra configuration and I don´t know too if Live for Speed support two applications running on INSim.
But I´ll find find this answers for you. Did you have the link for can I download the VLSFD?
Are you using someone Firewall? or Windows Firewall? Try to disable it if yes. and test. If was the firewall, you must put a rule that nallowing the LFS and the Telemetry to access this ports.
Hi! Thanks for the tips!
Let me ask about the tips.
1: "you could configure which "boxes" to display or not". What did you mean about display or not the boxes? Actyally, the number on () on the right side of the player name is the number of pitstops that the player had done.
2: "there was info not only about a gap but also what was the difference in last lap between you and next/previous drivers (just like in F1, showing if you are catching or loosing time)". This is very good Idea. Becose the gap only shows the diference on the split times. What do you thing about, Display GAP for 5 secconds, before that, change to the LLD ("Last Lap Diference) for 5 secconds and they still swapping this infos?
3. it was showing penalties pending next to pitstops done on drivers list. Actualy, we dont show the penalities, but it is a good information to show too. We are put this tip too on the list!
Thanks a lot!! We think that everyone helping wich this way, we will buil a powerfull software.
I'm will look at this error. We had tested the program only on Windows XP 32, Windows Vista 32 and 64 bits. I will test the program on Windows 7 64 and 32 bits soon.
I will try to reproduce this error on Windows 7 and fix!
Hi! On my cfg.txt the outsim and OutGauge are config are:
OutSim Mode 0
OutSim Delay 100
OutSim IP
OutSim Port 30000
OutSim ID 0
OutGauge Mode 0
OutGauge Delay 5
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0
So, try this... start the game, enter on the race and before it, start the telemetry. Other thing. Try to reduce the Update Rate on the setup screen. The default is 5 milisecconds. It can be too mutch low for internet connection. On Lan or Local, it can be between 15~1, depending of the machine.
But for internet, I think that it must be between 300~500, becose over internet we have a ping very high compared to LAN or Local.
Actualy, it´s not a 100% Finished, we are watching for bugs, and we want that eberyone gave to us a feedback about the software. New Ideas. We have one goal. Make this software one oficial Live for Speed tool .
I think if everyone contribute a little bit, we can create a very powerfull tool to help the players to race!!
Over internet I had only tested the INSim connection with server directly. If I understood what are you trying to do, is connect the Seven LFS Telemetry on another machine running LFS over internet.
I do not tested this, but I think that you can do this doingo simple port forwarding on your netrok. Ill try to tell you some sample.
Let me say that COMPUTER1 is my computer here on brazil, and COMPUTER2 is your computer. First step is configure your LFS to listen INSim port (editing the shortcut and adding /insim=xxxxxx when xxxxx is the port number. Default to use is 29999). Seccont step is open on your firewall (if your using one) to accept remote connections on the INSim port. Third step is if you are behind a router, you must route the INSim port from your router to your computer.
After we do that, COMPUTER1 running Seven LFS Telemetry must be configured with the Internet IP of the COMPUTER2.
Start LFS with INSim port on COMPUTER2 and click on CONNECT TO INSim on the Seven LFS Telemetry on COMPUTER1.
The connection image is like that:
COMPUTER1 => INTERNET => Router/Firewall =: COMPUTER2
PS.: The UDP port mus be routed too with the same way that INSim port was routed.
First part of telemetry:
Current time, Last Time and Best Time (of corse, the game have), but BEST POSSIBLE LAP no. The best possible lap tells to you, what´s time you can do, using the best splits that you have made. This information is tremendly helpfull, becose you can know if your setup is bad or you are not racing good.
Seccond part of telemetry: FUEL
Every one knows that LFS show the fuel, but fuel digital all the time, average consum, laps remain with the current fuel and reccomended add based on your average, LFS doesent display that.
Third part of Telemetry: Players Positons, Best Lap and Number of Pits.
When your are racing, I think that this informations are very helpfull to do race strategies.
I Hope that I had clarified what is the propouse of this software.
Actualy, I had saw it. I think that is becose the gear relationship with RPM. The INSim doesen´t tell me when must change gear, but it tells me all the time only the RPM. When I´m playing, I saw that when I´m on the gear 1 of the car X, the change RPM is one value, for the car Y, is another value and it is aplied for all Gears with all cars. I´m trying to identify some pattern to correct this little problem.
If someone knows this relationship with the RPM, gear and the car, please help-me.
If anyone wants to help us with Bug Report, please, post here the bug that ocours, the replay and the time on replay that ocours, becose with the replay, we can reproduce the same bug that ocours with the player.