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S3 licensed
Ky3 is todays track, not unknown since last IGTC round. Please join, here especially FZR drivers as we´d like to see how the FZR +45kg will be compared to the FXR and XRR´s on this track in an about 40 minutes race as well as we´d like to see some of the TBO drivers again from past TDRT league.

We temporarily changed from server PB to LFSworld PB as a test. Together with midrace join allowed, fast drivers won´t have to wait for a qualifying session anymore but can join any race right away.
S3 licensed
Thanks for all comments.

I think Trekker actually set the FZR restriction to 106% due to the mentioned reason

We´ve allowed midrace join now for a test. A racer < 105% will respect blue flags, we think.

AS4 (Historic) it is this evening.
S3 licensed
That´s a kind of tricky but I see what you mean. But unlocking would as well mean beginners on the race track in a 35 mins. TBO & GTR race. It would mess up the points standings as well. I think your post was made just before you got your server licence. How you feel about it now?
Yes, it "would help keep the action going". I´m just not sure if it would be the action we all would like to see on this server.
I think all we need here are some more days, some more quali sessions and all will be sorted out in a couple of days.

But we found some minor software related errors yesterday. The kicking for no server pb/bad car setup from the server will be removed and the joining in a car without licence will become easier. By default, for some racers, there were too many race messages during their races and will get adjusted.
S3 licensed
First server race and all let me win. Thanks guys...
S3 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :Sounds fun, I presume you have a system to stop people joining in the race if they didn't qualify?

Yes, it´s called "No-Midrace join".
On the other hand, if a racer already has driven a better 105% PB time on the server with the car he wants to use for the race, he doesn´t have to qualify, but can have a break. It will result in starting last on the race grid, of course..

Quote from Deutschland2007 :Can we also post comments and critics here, once the server is running?

You´re welcome to.
Last edited by R.Kolz, .
S3 licensed
Homepage section for overall race results,weekly updated:

Thank you for your kind support so far.
TDRT decision - All open pubic server 24/7 invitation.
S3 licensed
TDRT closes and replaces the planned TDRT Take II league with the TDRT Endurance server.
I´d like to have this section closed and moved to the passive league section.

Thanks a lot.

Further info:
TDRT - Public Endurance Server
S3 licensed

TDRT Public Endurance Server

After the successful Danish TDRT Race League 2009 another season was planned, the "TDRT Take II" league.

With new drivers, new ideas came up to make this second league a long-term project.
Our special thanks to TDRT C.Reetz ( Trekkerfahrer) and EQWorry.

We would like to introduce to you our 24/7 opened TDRT Public Endurance Server.

Race Length and Start: About 30 minutes races.
Cars: GTR & TBO (FZR+45kg, FXO +3% AIR)
Tracks: Track rotation.
One track a day, seven tracks over a week in total.
Sunday: Aston National
Monday: Kyoto National
Tuesday: Aston Historic
Wednesday: Kyoto GP Long
Thursday: Aston North rev.
Friday: Westhill International
Saturday: South City Long
To be able to participate in the race a PB time of better than 105% of the actual World Record is required.
Overall Points Standings will be published on a weekly basis at

Our server will be online 24/7 starting Saturday, 1st August 2009.

Homepage section for overall race results,weekly updated:
Last edited by R.Kolz, .
S3 licensed
Gratz T7R
S3 licensed
Longshot. Try this:

1. Start LFS ( here it will be in windowed mode ).
2. Shift-F4 to make it fullscreen.
4. repeat step 1. to 3. as many times as you want to.
5. Shift-F4 to, one by one, get the games back into windowed mode.

Not sure it will help you issue here but this is the only way to even be able to start LFS more then twice with my PC or, without step 2, I´ll be stuck with a black LFS game, using 100% CPU.

The formation lap of yesterdays IGCT race I´m able to with 10-25 FPS with 3xLFS, CPU load, my limiting factor, is just under 100%, P4M 2.2 Ghz, No AA/AF -Res. 2148x1150 - GF6800. XP.
S3 licensed
Who eat´s cock anyways.
Hope you´re all ok again in a few days.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones : 2 Minimum SC period laps. Due to the above rule change, the minimum SC period length will be extended by one lap to a total of three laps. This is to accommodate the queue resorting and the time necessary for lapped cars to get around the track to the back of the queue and then make a pitstop if necessary.

One single comment from racer R.Kolz - My team told me just to just STFU up before the race...

I already feel sorry for any FXR teams on r4r3 out there. FULL 3 SC LAPS !! No weaving allowed means black tires for these racers. (TDRT in FZR..)

Just to refresh all of the admins memory of a race at AS4 (2.19´ ish laptimes and we´re looking at a 2.09 laptime upcoming KY3 race ):

AS4 - IGTC 2008:

srdsprinter: "It was unfair to TDRT to restart the race a lap early. TDRT would have caught up and had hotter tires, but that's the way the rules are written, and that's what would have been fair. It benefited the other 26 teams, but it was not fair."

(Admins on the fly changed the rules.. min. 2 laps the rules stated - admins restarted the race after 1 SC lap only)

IGTC-Admin:"I'm saying that in my opinion, the benefits of going another lap under SC conditions (i.e., letting one car catch the field) were outweighed by the risks (i.e., sending 27 cars into T1 on ice cubes). I don't feel it was a mistake, though it was technically in breach of the rules. It was a decision we made for the safety of the teams involved.
Edit: which, by the way, is the only reason I'd consciously consider going against the written rules."

More to come:

IGCT-Admin: " But it was not a mistake. It was a conscious decision made by the group of admins for the benefit of the majority of drivers/teams.
The rules allow for the admins to make judgment calls in such situations, and that's what we did. End of discussion, as far as I'm concerned."

3 LAPS NOW ???

Srdprinter: "TDRT was unaware, and got screwed by it."
Thread from it:

That was my very final and a personal comment before this race. I´m not going to argue in this thread or make another post before this race has ended. I know how to use PM´s , but this one seemed to be " far out ".

Good luck all, incl. admins. Let´s see how 3 SC laps will work out this race - In case they don´t change rules on the fly once more.

No more comments from my side. PM´s I´ll respond at.

A rather frustrated, [TDRT] R.Kolz
S3 licensed
Team Name: TDRT The Danish Racing Team
Car Number: 11
T.Jessen [dktoben] DNK
C.Reetz [trekkerfahrer] GER
S3 licensed
Check the IGTC and MoE sections as you´ll find the hi-res skins right away. The TDRT League for TBO and GTR together but not too many hi-res skins to be found there.
S3 licensed
A new Superteam is born. Good luck to you.
S3 licensed
Good luck all of you. It has always been a pleasure to work with and race against our Scandinavian neighbours.
S3 licensed
I need to find the replays again, Bruno. They´re on another PC.
In case we won´t find another five demodrivers we´ll open up for S2 racers again for tomorrow´s 4 x 5 laps fun races at BL2.
S3 licensed
Gearshift is on wrong side otherwise you could ship it to me right away.
Well done, Glenn. Looks very nice. Must be fun racing like this.

( Hi, ndiw. )
IGTC Layouts
S3 licensed
You have a track layout for next round at Kyoto ready ?
Last edited by R.Kolz, .
S3 licensed
Results of Event 1 and qualified for Event 2, 12th July

6.A.Kongshavn ( all TDRT )
S3 licensed
Started a little photo competition for the overall race calendar of the Take II league. Info:
S3 licensed
As the XRG is way off with this layout used ( 1,5 secs.) on this track the decision: Best XRG will advance to Event 2 as well.

I wonder where fast fast rally racers are at, here especially the Demo ones.
S3 licensed
n1, n1. And nice skin- design as well. Congratulations from TDRT.
S3 licensed
July 2009 News added in OP.
S3 licensed
Good Luck Frank and Alias. Hope to see you back some time again.