yeh i am using p shop do u want a screenshot of me using it lol?? oh and i had a sudden thought about changing the look of my skin i was going to release so ittle be tommorow
1975 Ferrai dino. with custom magnaflow exhaust
Mates 1983 Toyota starlet turbo
My99 Subby modified
My own custom sound
1987 audi quattro
Skyline BEE-R limiter
My version of rotary
My version Of S13 RB20
so here are some of my sounds plz people keep posting sounds dont let this topic die. post what ever your imagination takes you now enough with em sounding like a hippy here are the sounds
i now see that i have a limit for uploading soryy guyz due to that limit i cant finsih uploading attatchments
Last edited by R34king, .
Reason : Space with demo accounts
Gidday sam im sam this skin is very basic which is fantastic but i feel its missing something. the number idea is good and the color Scheme is great too
i personally like rock and a mixture i love linkin park im going to there contest next week. i like alexsionfire POD disturbed that kinda stuff i also like trance house electronica club etc and rap is alright so overall i like all
hi everyone im new to these forums but have been playing demo for about.. 7months getting s2 next payday but anyway i have two questions about skining for my XRT
1. when i download some lights from this forum and open them in Paint shop pro 9 it brings them up in a box how do i paste them from that box to my skin?
2. i see that people have made awesome vinyls and im not sure if its my skining but the software but in paint shop pro i can only use text no lines or anything so if i could have someone tell me whats what that would be great