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S2 licensed
Sounds much more better and metallic good work
S2 licensed
This would close of the game to people wanting to get into it illepall also im a mouser and a happy one at that
S2 licensed
Download some replays off lfsw hotlaps and analyze the world record holders on such things like where they brake what gear they use for a corner and what speed do they brake too? also I have found setups off here are very usefull

Hope that helps
S2 licensed
i'd hate random failures like say the fz would fail more because it looks like an italian car.If you abuse ie hit the limiter all the time change down too quick etc then I would like this to have an effect

Edit:opps just noticed I posted earlier in this thread lol nm still this is a good idea
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :RaVeR:

Apostrophie, Capital, Capital, Capital, Space, Period, Capital, Capital, Capital, Capital, Capital, Capital, Period, Capital, Apostrophie, Capital, Capital, Capital, Comma, Period, Capital, Capital, Capital, Period.

Please don't try and correct me I hate grammer dorks I type how I like thanks says nothing in the forum rules on how to type kthxbye
S2 licensed
Im sure with bmw putting the car in the game would give them car sounds or atleast a sound team to maybe record the car at a practice session same with the mrt and the ra also im sure bmw could lend a few more cars for that but they would want something else in return maybe another bmw in the game
S2 licensed
Boost level changing not too much and maybe restrict it but if you abuse your car or upped it high as it can go your engine should blow after a lap or two but I can see its uses in auto x also same with a standard boost make it so when you abuse it too anything from the clutch to pistons can go or just have an engine blown message with a nice bang noise.

Also starter motor sounds when engine is starting
S2 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :Once engine management

where did you hear this can't wait to be upping boost then
S2 licensed
They all have there good and bad points try catching a suicide fxr in south city and westhill in an xxr or fzr still it would be nice for when racing on other tracks for the fxr to have more top speed or just go ahead and put in a gtr version of the rb
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :the deformation is pretty real compared to this:
the GTRs need to be evened out, i don't care how, it's just that there are no more FXRs.

Agreed needs a little more top end or maybe a weight reduction
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :Random failures would be pants, agreed, but if you spend too much time risking redlining or downchanging unrealistically fast, then there should be the higher chance of engine damage + mech failure. This way more careful racers will have the advantage of more reliability but slower lap times. Tactics are therefore brought more into play depending on driving style (more like real life). I like the idea of oil spills reducing traction in a limited area for a limited time period.

This is the way it should be done I wonder how long my xrt would last after 9laps of constant drifting at high revs.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT : Drift servers

Please don't tar us all with the same brush... all the drift servers I play in seem to be just as mature as racing servers
S2 licensed
There should be more 4wd and rwd cars fullstop More 4wd than rwd though we only have two
S2 licensed
I use mouse hello and the buttons for upshift and downshift also middle is my handbrake if im drifting or its my pit limiter if im racing
S2 licensed
My god vista sounds terrible maybe i'll switch to linux too... as i only really play lfs and use xp for that... I think MS are going to lose a big portion of there customers with all this drm rubbish
S2 licensed
Quote from kompa :Not at all. How did you come to think it was not OK? I'm not much of a mechanic myself either, although I would be faster if I were...

Why not download the whole setup field from inferno? No need then to ask for setups on servers, I think.

A few racers on diff servers have said to me before its wrong and I should make my own

Also can I have a link to this inferno site please thanks.
Using others setups
S2 licensed
Ok this has been bothering me for a while when I race and if im racing in a server where they are racing cars I havn't used before.I normally ask can I have the setup off the fastest guy.Nearly every set I have has not been made by me.

I don't currently drive but when I do I will be getting some track time but getting companys to do everything such as lowering the car or tuning it and I see sorta like that.I enjoy racing but I don't really understand the concepts of most the things in setups so thats why I use other peoples do any of you find this wrong??

If they say no I don't keep pestering them I just make due with another tracks set or ask someone just as fast.
S2 licensed
Quote from cpachmann :I think that the mayority of them wont even donwload the demo to try it. Perhaps i'm here the only one, but thinking of myself i don't buy now a game that has been on the market since 6 years and that is by far not at the same level as current games.

Anyone that cares enough about racing sims will not shrug a sim off because of graphics.There are too many games on the market now that just focus on OMGTEHROX0R shaders etc but are dire in gameplay terms.Maybe when the dev team complete the physics in LFS S2 or S3 maybe then they can update the graphics.

S2 licensed
Ive seen street brakes glow and sparks too this would be a good feature
S2 licensed
Sorry to bump a few weeks old topic but I'd also like to hear the car and see the needle boucing off
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Wow, that is one looong sentence. Check the Improvement Suggestions log, I think you'll find this has come up many times


Sorry im new around here but it has to be addressed soon imo then lfs for me anyway will be much nearer complete.
4 door saloon
S2 licensed
All I see in this game is coupes coupes and more coupes.I think there should be a family 4 saloon of somekind repesenting say a bmw m5 or as we are running low on 4wd cars something close to an EVO or subaru anyone else agree we are missing this car type in the road cars section of the game?
Last edited by RaVeR, .
S2 licensed
just make a huge nurburger ring clone with a few changes here and there
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Gumball Porsche adapted for FZR, as requested...

Thanks alot for that
S2 licensed
sorry to bump and old thread but has anyone made one for the fzr?