i did do the negative effect, thought it looked better. it was white at the start,but wasnt sure thought it looked too plain.
do you think white is better??
ok here goes my first skin, been fiddling about with it for ages. im held back by major lack of talent and photofiltre. i know its low res but best i could do. ive got my tin helmet on and bunker dug so im ready for the criticisms. ps it looks good in game with black rims and yellow spokes,imo.please go easy on me
that looks good thunderhead i like all the super gt cars. im trying to see if somebody will make me a raybrig (2007) skin for FXR, no takers yet. anathemas made one for the FZR tho which is very good.
any chance somebody could please have a go at doing this years RAYBRIG nsx.
i doubt chrome is doable but ive see a good metal effect for the FXR somewhere.i`d be very grateful (see my user name) think its a beautiful car and would like the chance to race it online.
if its not easy to do then any chance of the castrol supra,again for the fxr, ive searched for both with no luck.found castrol supra but for fzr.
not sure if there is enough drivers to do diff classes. might be an idea to get a sign up sheet going!!
dont think creativesurgeons been here for a few days.....
cheers mate, didint spot they were private tho.sorry
its just for the fxr only car i really like driving.
if it helps sway you id be happen to have made by dajmin somewhere on the car.