I know what you mean! Its somewhere in this thead... It would be really nice if someone with the first posts linked to everything thats needed or. Started a new thread that only showed the things you may need to run Mekanik S2. This is very popular thread and its gettin´loooooong!
A cool thing i noticed is that when you tweak your car extremely. Like 5000 HP.. When you full throttle, you can see the fuel gauge drop very quickly. So the fuelconsumtion is based on enginepower. And not the cartype.
Im glad that this is just a sim and not real life.. Otherwise i would be a poor poor man. Burning litres in seconds..
This mod could be useless if the Devs make the AI a little bit smarter. They should pit when they are running out of fuel and/or got serious damage. This must be fixed in S2, or the damage/fuel/tire factor will be useless in singelplayer. From the AI perspective that is.