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S2 licensed
I've tried it now again and it works! But not for:
UFR, XFR, FXR, XRR, FZR and the ones which dont have them anyways (MRT, FBM, FOX, FO8, BF1) Okay... I think everything is as it should be...
Sorry my Failure! I just wondered because the first ones i listed (UFR, XFR, ... ) have signals ingame working.... (i know they dont need them ) but via OutGauge they arent working^^

Thanks anyways!

MFG Reese
OutGauge turn signals
S2 licensed
I created a little OutGauge program and have had problems with the ShowLights packet. Everything works besides the turn signals... so my problem is when i check the ShowLights packet for the signals e.g.

If CBool(Packet.ShowLights And DL_SIGNAL_L) = True Then DoSomething()

it just wont work! With DL_SIGNAL_ANY (128) it works (and for everything else e.g. pitspeed too) but then i cant distinguish between left and right signal... Because everytime i turn on the signals in lfs (no matter if its the left or the right one or both of them) ShowLights changes about 128... and not as i would expect 32 for the left one, 64 for the right one and 128 just for both.
Where is my failure?

MFG Reese
S2 licensed
I just don't understand how to use the flags. I posted this here some time ago and got a few replies... thanks so far! But it just won't work for me
If I try:

If (og.Flags [B]&[/B] Flags.OutGaugeFlags.OG_PITSPEED) > 0 Then
End If


If (og.Flags [B]&[/B] Flags.OutGaugeFlags.OG_PITSPEED) = True Then
End If

I ALWAYS get a MsgBox telling me the pitspeed limiter is ON...

If I try:

If (og.Flags [B]And[/B] Flags.OutGaugeFlags.OG_PITSPEED) > 0 Then
End If


If (og.Flags [B]And[/B] Flags.OutGaugeFlags.OG_PITSPEED) = True Then
End If

I ALWAYS get a MsgBox telling me the pitspeed limiter is OFF...

Please help me

EDIT: I've tested this with Z28 and the BF1 so there isn't ABS or something like that^^


If (og.Flags [B]&[/B] Flags.OutGaugeFlags.OG_PITSPEED) = Flags.OutGaugeFlags.OG_PITSPEED Then
End If

ALWAYS leads to "OFF" no matter whether "&" or "And"

MfG Reese
Last edited by Reese, .
S2 licensed
Wow that was fast Thanks so far!
But maybe someone has got some more

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
Do you guys have an idea where to get images of those dashboard symbols (hazard lights, abs, oil temp etc...) in reasonable quality? I've searched the internet but didn't find anything free... !
I post in this thread because of this program has got some of these symbols^^

MfG Reese
Last edited by Reese, .
S2 licensed
Quote from :Is it just me, or does the automatic updater within LFS say "Can't extract <file name of 7-zip>"?

I had the same problem.. downloaded the update from this site and it worked. I'm on Win7 x64 (admin rights^^).

MfG Reese
Last edited by Reese, .
Outgauge Flags
S2 licensed
I'm new to VB and I've just started a little OutGauge project with LFS External.
But now I've a problem with the "Flags" packet.


Select Case CInt(og.Flags)
Case Is = 49152
LBL_OG_Local.Text = "Local = Metric"
LBL_OG_Handbrake.Text = "Handbrake = Off"
LBL_OG_Shiftlight.Text = "Shiftlight = Off"
Case Is = 49156
LBL_OG_Local.Text = "Local = Metric"
LBL_OG_Handbrake.Text = "Handbrake = On"
LBL_OG_Shiftlight.Text = "Shiftlight = Off"
Case Is = 49157
LBL_OG_Local.Text = "Local = Metric"
LBL_OG_Handbrake.Text = "Handbrake = On"
LBL_OG_Shiftlight.Text = "Shiftlight = On"
Case Is = 49153
LBL_OG_Local.Text = "Local = Metric"
LBL_OG_Handbrake.Text = "Handbrake = Off"
LBL_OG_Shiftlight.Text = "Shiftlight = On"
Case Is = 0
LBL_OG_Local.Text = "Local = Imperial"
LBL_OG_Handbrake.Text = "Handbrake = Off"
LBL_OG_Shiftlight.Text = "Shiftlight = Off"
Case Is = 4
LBL_OG_Local.Text = "Local = Imperial"
LBL_OG_Handbrake.Text = "Handbrake = On"
LBL_OG_Shiftlight.Text = "Shiftlight = Off"
Case Is = 5
LBL_OG_Local.Text = "Local = Imperial"
LBL_OG_Handbrake.Text = "Handbrake = On"
LBL_OG_Shiftlight.Text = "Shiftlight = On"
Case Is = 1
LBL_OG_Local.Text = "Local = Imperial"
LBL_OG_Handbrake.Text = "Handbrake = Off"
LBL_OG_Shiftlight.Text = "Shiftlight = On"
End Select

This works but if I do this for ALL Flags it becomes very very long, so I think there must be something shorter, am i right?
Please help me

EDIT: Nobody can help me? Please I just don't get it^^

MfG Reese
Last edited by Reese, .
S2 licensed
Is there no way to simple change the aspect ratio?
Just resizing the pictures makes no change at all (with different resolutions).
I think I just don't get it lol but how I could make backgrounds for my resolution (1360x768)??

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
Maybe one solution to fix that problem is a possibility to adjust the light intensity and the gamma in LFS^^
I noticed this one too, but I think its not really a problem because it comes all to the sunshine like Klutch said.

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
first thanks for this great testpatch The interiors are really nice^^
But I think something is wrong with my XFG and XFR interiors because they didn't look like some pictures which posted here (see attached screenshots).
The other interiors are fantastic^^

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
For me it works very well (Vista Ultimate x64) without running the LFS.exe as Administrator.
The first time I played on Multiplayer, the firewall showed up and I choose to not block LFS.exe anymore ....
so no problems for me on Vista everything works fine so far.
I like the new replay functions but the interface, the entry screen as well as the multiplayer screen have this new buttons but the rest!? As I said I like it but its so confusing, new buttons here - old buttons there, just my opinion
In conclusion good work so far

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
I don't know if this is a known bug but yesterday I noticed this little "graphic Bug".
If you drive the FOX you can't see the Dust through your little windscreen, I've noticed this in patch Y and Y18.
Look at the attached Screenshots, my englisch skills aren't very good ;-)

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
HeHe cool thanks i will have a look at them later
S2 licensed
Maybe something new for Blackwood and/or Soutch City??
Because of Patch Y Updates the old ones not working the right way^^
I'm not really talented in doing such "camera" files So maybe sb who is can post his files here, would be nice

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
Sorry my own failure illepallillepall
Seems that my power supply wasnt plugged in 100% so everything besides the wheel worked. I was wondering why the "power"-lamp at the shifter doesnt shine so bright like before.
Sorry Sorry Sorry

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
Everything is plugged in right and the Profiler is set up correctly, in XP it worked for me but now on Vista Ultimate x64 the movement (so i turn the wheel but nothing happens)don't work, not in games and not in the control panel under gamecontroller (see pic). In the field wich says "Lenkradbewegung" nothing happens^^

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
On my Vista x64 the Logitech Profiler doesnt work right^^
All pedals and buttons work fine but the wheel itself doesnt work and FF doesnt work too^^ But the buttons at the wheel working fine And yes i have the latest logitech profiler (v5.01.256)
Maybe somebody can help?

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
Hmm nice changes
Thank You Devs^^
I always drove with the digital speedo but I think its better (more real) to have it just at a few cars instead of at all,
its more challenging

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
I think this program has a old insim version so it won't work^^ It's from Aug.06

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
Hmm but in the nvidia controlpanel everything is right^^ And in the game too
(I hope

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
Hmm I think my pic don't look that good like others here!
But why? Something I do wrong?
AA: 8xS
AF: 16x
negative LOD-Bias: clamp
textur filtering: high quality
transparency AA: multisampling
S2 licensed
Samsung LE32R7 LCD (16:9, 32'')
@ 1360x768 (60Hz)
FOV: ~90°

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
WoW thats what I searched for
But it dont works with InSim v4

MfG Reese
S2 licensed
Cool, for me it works^^
Does anybody know if this tool is still in work? It would be cool when this works with WLAN Smile Because my USB-cable is not that long Wink
And it has a few Bugs!

MfG Reese
Last edited by Reese, .